Prepare to face a number of challenges! Now, lets us introduce you to the male version of this 17th-century-inspired cc. All Rights Reserved. This decades challenge version is the most current and played interpretation. We have simpler windows and doors, arches, different variations of pieces, and just about anything else I could think of that would be nice to have. This was a new idea I ad when remaking some of my older clothing. If this challenge is too intimidating, you can do parts of it instead of playing the entire challenge. These fun stays are new mesh, and the chemise underneath is frankenmesh. Like the ACANTHUS first June pack, this cc offers a lot of CC pieces. Simmers can now use cc to play through their favorite decades and we could not be more excited about it! TS3 CONVERSION - STORYBOOK LIVING ROOM. Did you think we would let you move on without introducing you to the second part of the ACANTHUS June set? You can now own carpets and painted walls. Go install the June Set Part 2 now! This mod saves you the trouble of manually managing certain aspects of the sims 4 decades challenge, such as: Setting up the lifespan of each stage of a sim's life. Women are stay-at-home mothers. Your Sims may have the Acting career. Also, if you have households/lots created, feel free to share as well, as making an entire savefile by building everything from scratch is too difficult for my pea brain (jk I just don't have the time thanks to uni + it's really spooky) Slight side note: if anyone knows a mod that stops random townie generation, I'd literally marry you. Every child born must have one of these traits: TV can be watched between 6 AM to 2 AM only, You canuse all computers for gaming or writing purposes only, One sim must have a business or investor career, When your household first born turns into a teen, the family goes into Y2K prepping-mode, Live in that safe house until 3 days before your eldest teens birthday, Male sims can take a leave from work after welcoming a child, Dark Age: Starts in the Iron age and ends in the Medieval era, Golden Age: Starts with the Tudors and ends with the Victorians, Modern Age: Starts in the early 20th century and ends in the 2000s, Setting up the lifespan of each stage of a sims life, Relationships options for those era-forbidden loves. I prefer maxis match but alpha cc is also ok, im really just trying to have everyone look different. So, get this amazing garment in 30 different swatches now! . The mixologist and criminal boss brunch are now available. When they can look this great. channel 4 news quad cities; post catalyst fuel trim system too lean; dolby atmos production suite 4download; ngayon kaya full . DECADES CHALLENGE CC HAUL (1930s-1950s) - YouTube Historical Sims & CC Finds 1700's to 2000's. navigation. Many of the items are high poly, beware! And, we know a lot of other simmers do too. Le. note: this has been updated! Your male sims cant work until they become adults, because theyre at war. And, they can only be of opposite genders. History buff simmers will have a lot of fun with this extra cc pack, that is for sure! Of course, we would not dare. Even though they mostly eat gruel and pigeon pie oops Also the 1930s sound so far away but duh there are like 630 years from Waldemar&Faith (my founders) and your sims lol Thank you for the recommendation!! please delete any old versions in your mods folder. On top of that, CuteCoffeeGal has included various elements from various sims 4 expansion packs. Again, could VINTAGESIMSTRESS creations be any more perfect? Decades Challenge (Hard Mode) Rules - illusorythrall My 1930's family for the decades challenge! Anyone else doing - Reddit Yes, that can happen and every time it does, it breaks our hearts. I'm currently working on preparing a savefile to start the Ultimate Decades Challenge for my twitch/yt and I'm on the hunt for CC. The coat is of course tagged as casual and cold weather wear, as usual. So, you can finally buy some lamps! Plus, PDS for coloring is included, how great is that? Teens who do not go to school, Young Adults, and Adult Sims MUST scavenge, fish, garden during the week of unemployment. So, whether you want to dress your sims up in fun 17th-century looks, or you just want to treat the history buff in you This breathtaking pack is available to install here! Now, lets move on to another iconic, historical tv show, Brigderton. Uso bastante contenido de 1920 tambin para esta dcada ya que no hay tantas opciones como me gustara, El top que us Eloina en los primeros episodios de la Dcada de 1930, Zapatos de mujeres de la Dcada de 1930 para Los Sims 4, Till Death Do Us Part Sentate x Hellfrozeover x Joliebea, En este directorio podrn encontrar bastante CC de la dcada, slo debern probar porque lamentablemente no tiene imgenes, Recomiendo que visiten el Patreo de HappyLifeSims (Koonam) para CC de dcadas, Pingback:RETO DCADAS DE LOS SIMS 4 - SYUSIMS, Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. This CC set, converted from The Sims 3, will surely be all that you desire. Your sims house can now have wallpapers. Where do you all download the clothes for a decades challenge? By nature of the goal, this challenge will have some limitations in regards to race, gender, and sexuality, particularly in the earlier decades - please note that playing this challenge does NOT condone these limitations. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! Which is absolute nonsense when you look at how stunning this CC is. . Taking on the sims 4 decades challenge is a great and original way to play the game. We adore the look of these hairstyles, and are very excited to share that you too can download them for free! The males that marry your female sims must also go to war. In this version, instead of starting your game in the year 1890, youll begin in 1300. War veterans can receive a pension of 100 per veteran (money cheat). Yes, you are still in the 17th century. :), I received a request to make this dress for girls and it is finally ready. Regarding the sims 4 decades challenge, your new game willstart in the year 1890. But, if you want a harder version, you can pay them after your water is cut off. Once your male sims return from war, they must have one of these traits: Female sims can now be the heirs of your generation. How could we? It was a pain to get the normalmap right so it didnt overlay bottom items, but once I figured that out all went smooth from there. Yes, 20 different swatches! VINTAGESIMSTRESS has provided you with outfits for your entire sim family members. One. Whether you are a history nerd or a fan of the great series Murdoch Mysteries which is based in the Victorian era, you will adore this cc. Now, go ahead and download this new piece of cc to complete your historical gameplay aesthetic! That means no Woohoo interactions! Hitching Post : 3232 poly, Sims 4 1930's in 2023 | sims 4, sims, sims 4 decades challenge - Pinterest With outfits and looks resembling different versions of Napoleon himself. Sims 4 1930's in 2023 | sims 4, sims, sims 4 decades challenge Sims 4 1930's 52 Pins 12w A Collection by hi there Similar ideas popular now Clothes Sims Challenge Sims 4 Decades Challenge Sims 4 Nails Upcycle Clothes Diy Sims 4 Cc Shoes Sims 4 House Design Moon Dress Casas The Sims 4 Sims 4 Dresses Sims 4 Mods Clothes Sims 4 Clothing Sims Mods I know Ive been absent these days, but just because Im on converting spree! VINTAGESIMSSTRESS has provided us with these amazing 1895-inspired silk dresses, and we could not be happier about it! If you own most of the packs, try this version out. Click here for the best Custom Content for The Sims 4! She has the traits: Neat, Family Oriented and Good. Milk Barrel : 932 poly, DECADES CHALLENGE CC HAUL (1930s-1950s) SimQueen 2.48K subscribers Subscribe 4.1K views 3 years ago All the CC I'm using for my Decades Challenge! I think I joined from the link here: . {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Tu envo ha fallado. The challenge brings all the best aspects of each decade to your game, from the 1890s to the 2010s. For more information, please see our To truly capture the spirit of each decade, this Sims 4 Decades Challenge is a great way to bring the past back to life. La mayora del CC que uso para esta poca es de HappyLifeSims (Koonam) Todos los links son directos para su Patreon. I have listed the challenge rules overview by decade. Also, it was a partly painted on outfit (which gave me a lot of headache), so theres a little simmister: standalone with custom thumbnails. Racing Saddle : 1060 poly, The cute coat comes in 16 different swatches, including solid black and white for your more chic sims. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. sims 4 decades challenge cc 1900s. The Simmer Time Machine : CC FINDS - Tumblr Stacked Barrels : 1614 poly, I tested out doing the eras challenge a while ago and made a bunch of outfits using cave person cc. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. We are so excited to find & share the best mods and custom content with you. Sul Sul! Just imagine how fun it would be to play the Legacy Challenge through different decades! : MMFINDS, [Lonelyboy] TS4 1920s Female Hairstyle 03 - - HappyLifeSims, [Lonelyboy] TS4 1930s Maid Uniform Set - - HappyLifeSims. The Sims 4 Decades Challenge is pretty much a journey through time. It's perfect for everyone who wants a new way to play the game. Try The Sims 4 Rags to Riches Challenge! There are also many different colours available, along with some blankets. The cow corral has free footprint that means you can go inside of the fence, your sims will walk through the fence and all though. Its not perfect, but I hope you enjoy it! So, treat your sims to a little Regency look by installing this cc here! Sims 4 1930's in 2023 | sims 4, sims, sims 4 decades challenge - Pinterest Diversity is always important, and this version of the sims 4 decades challenge honors Black history. Like the walking dress, this stunning creation is the base game and HQ mod compatible, tagged as everyday, party, and formal wear, and can be found under the long dress subcategory. The Sims 4 Decades Challenge is pretty much a journey through time. Sims 4 decades challange // 1920s to 1930s 24 Pins 4y D Collection by Tamara K. Sims Four Sims 4 Mm Sims 4 Decades Challenge Play Sims 4 Sims 4 Blog Muebles Sims 4 Cc Sims 4 Clutter The Sims 4 Download Download Cc S Simmy Lou Martin Sims 4 decades challange // 1920s to 1930s The Sims Sims Cc Male sims can have two new career choices: Bills get paid only when electricity is cut off, For added difficulty, you can wait until the water is cut as well. Find it in our The Sims 4 Challenges Ultimate Collection! If there is one area of The Sims 4 CC that is underrated, it is Historical CC. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . (If that makes any sense) Thanks. These stunning hairstyles come with 24 EA swatches, are hat compatible, and are also compatible with GILDEDGHOSTS bonnets if you have that package installed. do you have trouble finding cc - especially for later decades? Youll still need to remain historically accurate, which adds difficulty and duration to the challenge. So go ahead, and complete your Sims Regency look by downloading these fantastic hairstyles here! So, you will not have to worry about your pregnant sims missing out! Available in new textures, from teen to elder, 27 colors. Ive been very inspired by the reference I took for the Domaine du Clos bathtub, and I wanted to explore more on this reference! Sul Sul! The same thing goes for grandchildren.So lets check out the rules of the Decades Challenge: The rules are a direct simulation of how things were during these times: The war years are upon us. If you were worried we forgot about historical hairs, then relax, because of course we remembered! 2. Furthermore, the adorable coat comes in 16 beautiful swatches, including solid black and white. Congratulations, youve arrived in the Sims 4 Victorian era! 1930|Decades Challenge| Die SIMS4 |Part 29 Midlife-Crises! You can also find the original instructions here. Cookie Notice Stunning is it not? You transition into a new decade every time your familys first child becomes a young adult. So, it is time to enjoy more freedom for your female sims! these vintage cookware staples come in 30 colors with two metallic design options. 3 variations of body hair (legs/arms/pits) located in the, 5 variations of body hair (legs/arms/pits/groin) located in the, 34 variations of pubic hair located in the, multiple texture types (straight & curly), custom thumbnails (the pubic hairs are numbered). The Most Popular Sims 4 Decades Challenge (Updated 2023!) This version adapts the decades challenge (CuteCoffeeCup version) and the Upgrowth Challenge by HollieBB. A LOT of items come from the Plumbob Tea Societys Cottage Garden Stuff And if you want to try the alternative versions of the sims 4 decades challenge, those are listed towards the end of this article. Feb 10, 2020 - Edwardian/1910s fashion and then less conservative 1920s fashion (furrs & flapper dresses). So, whether you want to dress your sims in this cute coat for their everyday wear, or you want a more fashionable outfit for the winter days this is the pack for your little sim boys. Male sims that went to war must have one of these traits: Male sims cannot work until they have grown past young adulthood. Feb 4th, 2019. See more ideas about sims 4, sims, sims 4 decades challenge. Setup. Indeed, this pack offers a whole lot. Get your historical murder mystery gameplay on, and download this stunning dress now! It gives us major Napoleon vibes, so if that is what you are going for in your historical gameplay, then this pack is certainly made for you! The chickens have free footprint too so you dont need cheat to place them. Pin on Sims 4 1910s 1920s 1930s. The 1920s marks the start of womens rights. Are your sims ready to live through the challenges that await? Which includes Justaucorps, Knee Breeches, two versions of Embroidery, Louis XIV hair, the Cocked Hat, Louis XIV boots, a Cravat Bow and Brooch, Dress Sword, and Baldric, One Shoulder Epaulette, Sash, Bow Sash, and Silk Stockings. The MC Command Center by Deaderpool is a time saver. Added Difficulty: To simulate the stock market crash, reduce your total household funds by 40% at the start of the decade (money cheat). lajos: cesca-inspired chairs by sforzinda, Vintage vertical garden my recolor (white version only with 9 colors for garden boxes) Eco Lifestyle EP required. Iron Hitching Post : 3096 poly, Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. Need a new challenge? I really love this top with a nice pair of jeans, definitely gives off a Rebel Without a Cause vibe for sure. You can now use electricity for light. And, like its female version, it comes with 12 meshes and is HQ compatible. Theyre pretty much the same rules as listed previously, but with some changes or more restrictions. , It is available in casual, formal and party 18 options, Follow me on Twitter | Like my Facebook | Subscribe to me on YouTube, Follow me on Instagram | Support my work on Patreon, To quote @imvikai that hair literally makes anyone look like a mom So I decided to name it after an iconic tv mom..Lois from Family Guy dksgnndk, New hair for your Sims, I hope you like! Cost 1100$ in the park by awalck - new mesh. But, they are free to eat whatever their garden produces. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Guarda mi nombre, correo electrnico y web en este navegador para la prxima vez que comente. *I highly recommend downloading those farm animals by Severinka to fill your little farm! mmcc and lookbooks: Decades Lookbook: The 1930's | Sims 4 dresses, Sims 4 clothing, Sims 4 decades challenge Women's Fashion Article from Decades Lookbook: The 1930's Decades Lookbook: The 1930's Up next in my 20th Century Decades series was also requested by @sarkana-sims and is the 1930's. So, here I come with the entire plumbing collection, with a few clutter items to furnish this bathroom with a total of 43 new items! The Sims 4 Challenges Ultimate Collection, The Best Game of Thrones Mods & CC for The Sims 4. Series Playlist Challenge Rules. But, if it is even, theyll survive! Etc. 10. 2 r/wow Join 3 mo. It's definitely my favorite challenge . Looking for another challenge? Indeed, of course, VINTAGESIMSTRESS has these cute kid coats available for male kids too. CC PARA LA DCADA DE 1930 PARA LOS SIMS 4 Uso bastante contenido de 1920 tambin para esta dcada ya que no hay tantas opciones como me gustara 1930s Day Dress Descarga el cc en su patreon TS4 1930s Male Sportswear Set Descarga el cc en su patreon TS4 1930s Day Dress 01 Descarga el cc en su tumblr Flour Sack Dresses Descarga el cc Wait a minute Did we just travel back in time? Apr 4, 2021 - Explore Martha1410's board "Sims 4 1930s Stuff" on Pinterest. We do not know, but wearing black in times of mourning was definitely a thing back in the day, and still is in different places of the world. Relationships options for those era-forbidden loves. The hardest part is learning the ways of the old days and finding appropriate custom content for each era. Corral and coop have EAs matching swatches. Even though I know that time period had plenty of problems of its own (and besides, you couldn't play The Sims 4 back in the 1920s), it's still exciting . Lets go back to the queen of historical cc for a moment and check out more of VINTAGESIMSTRESS cc. With the sims 4 decades challenges, your sims can journey through time and experience everything each decade offers. If youre up for that challenge, check out the link for more info. Basically everything I've used in my decades challenge was found through this directory . So, whether you want to add a beautiful evening gown to your historical gameplay, or you just cant stop staring at this beautiful creation. Its rules are very straightforward, as well! All Rights Reserved. decadeschallengeccfinds Follow Hello! If youre interested in this 1980s outfit, you can grab it on Joliebeans page. So, that aspect might be an interesting storyline for your historical gameplay! Luckily for us Bridgeton fans, BUZZARDLY28 has created these Regency Hairs for us to use! Originally I had this uploaded on a PDF on Google Docs, This shiny, silk bgc dress is HQ mod compatible and comes in 25 colorful swatches, including black and white. What we adore about the Sims 4 is the endless custom content that keeps the game fresh and exciting! Stunning is it not? Sims cant use any electricity. Your sims can only use Try for baby. Si ests buscando CC para el Reto Dcadas ests en el lugar indicado. Sims may NOT join the Business career anymore. ago Help me find Ultimate Decades Challenge CC? Limiting occults in the game. News. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! For each decade, there are different rules and stories to create for your Sims. Sims Next Top Model Completed. Decades Challenge | sims Island Living Completed. Its rules are very straightforward, as well! Your sims story will begin in the year1870and through to the present day. TS4: Polite Boy Outfit (sims 3 to sims 4 conversion), Great War Set British Army Officer Uniform, Late 1910s Blouse and Skirt Separates Set. Please let me know if there are any issues! Furthermore, the same coats are available for teens, if you go to this patreon page. Help me find Ultimate Decades Challenge CC? : r/TheSims4Mods - Reddit If you want a challenge thatll last you a while, you may want to check out the Ultimate edition. So, you have to roll a random number. The roaring 20s is a popular era for vintage fashion inspiration - especially if you enjoy American fashion history.. It's always fun to imagine the lavish parties and party outfits of the 1920s! Heres another new mesh edit, a blouse with broderie anglaise details. I've already tried to get a lot from TSR, but I feel like I need more, especially for children & male sims, as well as bb. Watering Tank : 1254 poly, 1920s Lace Dress Check Out This CC. 9 NEW MESHES. See more ideas about sims 4, sims, sims 4 decades challenge. Press J to jump to the feed. Continents. You can roll a number using. IRL Friends Asylum On Hiatus. And you know how this will go. It comes with an overlay that will change the color of the chemise underneath too, so you can completely customize your look! Este MOD ser til para vivir una vida completamente campestre. But only if they are young adults! Here, with another Victorian-era-inspired dress, but this time an evening gown. but theyre now saying its against their terms (though Im not sure . We love maintaining our sisterly bond through gaming. Tagged as everyday, party and hot weather wear this dress is indeed perfect for your sims daily promenade. ago Help me find my main All Rights Reserved. Changing pregnancy settings. Series Playlist. Whether you are a big fan of Sherlock Holmes or Enola Holmes, you will stan this Holmes dress by DZIFASIMS. Once these 2 weeks are over, they can get a new job. This set contains: bed, blanked, end table, love seat, dresser, wardrobe, console table, dressing table, dressing table chair, wall mirror, wallpaper, Credit to KellyMarie68 for converting this set from Vita Sims 2 to S4. Real history buffs, who have an eye for detail, will appreciate this cc pack by LLAZYNEIPH. My 1930's family for the decades challenge! Sims 4 Game Mods Sims 4 Mods The Sims Sims Cc. . Western Saddle : 944 poly, Have fun researching each decade to find the perfect clothes, hairstyles, furniture, houses, and more. If you liked the female historical clothing, you will adore these toddler girl coats as well! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us onTumblr. Hi, does anyone know where I can find any 1940's custom content?, do you play the decades challenge? Sims 4 decades challenge cc folder - The mens coat is tagged as casual and cold weather wear, perfect for any given day in the Sims 4 1800s. Now, stop wasting your time, and add these cute coats to your game already! Since I'm a big fan of historical gameplay, I decided to make one! Pails : 758 poly, Small pets began to gain popularity, you can own a pet hamster or rat (but not a hedgehog or bubalus). Sims 4 decades challange // 1920s to 1930s - Pinterest Heya everyone! The 1970s marks the end of the Vietnam war. In this post, we will highlight some of the best historical CC you can add to your game for free. sims 4 decades challenge finds - Tumblr things may not be available any longer. With 15 new meshes, this cc is created as a love letter to Austens much-beloved heroines. You can find KellyMarie68s set here, Recolor of @softerhaze Rhiannon Hair in @noodlescc 76 Sorbets Remix + 72 Elderberries Remix Palette, i legit cant believe i figured the transparency stuff out.

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