Her fighting skills were more than a match with Hayley; an non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid. Malivore is already dead, yet her family is still asleep. After mutilating Lucien, Tristan spoke to Aurora in the hallway, but they were met by a miraculously healed Lucien. Later, after Lucien defeated Klaus, he brought him back to his penthouse where Aurora was patiently waiting to get her revenge. Aurora's Family Sometime later, Cleo finally wakes up, though doesn't know where she is. Aurora tells her not to worry and she'll explain everything when they wake up. If she is meant to learn some lesson it is this: she is doomed to be alone. Aurora simply tells him that he'll just have to trust her and vamps away. In Heart Shaped Box, Freya tries a locator spell to find Aurora and she suddenly appears behind Freya, asking if she has been looking for her. Aurora believes that she should kill him, to make sure that he won't follow her, however she reasons that would hamper her personal journey from villain to savior. He tells her that she may call him Ken and she comments that's even sillier. Aurora questions why she should trust her, though quite simply they both want the same thing. As Aurora walks through the woods, a crack of thunder rings out in the sky. In I Can't Be the One to Stop You, Aurora calls Hope and boasts that she loves her new body and that she can keep running, but she'll find her. She is a powerful witch who is part of the French Quarter coven. Aurora commentates that none of them really change and that they are who they are. Hope begs her not to do this. Aurora prepared to rip out Camille's throat, satisfied now that she had heard Klaus' profession of love. But in the original story of Sleeping Beauty, the Princess is not swept off her feetshe's raped in her sleep . Lizzie believes that based on what she's learned, she chooses to do things that are harmful to her as a consistent pattern. Aurora casts the incendia spell and a plate held by a nearby waiter erupts in fire. Aurora, claiming she's making a mistake, faces Lizzie in Hope's body. She's just like every other Mikaelson she's come across. Both Lucien and Klaus appeared to have taken a liking to her, however she fell in love with Klaus. One that was decent, kind, and loving. After all, they're trying to be better people. Aurora Teagarden, a librarian who solves crimes, had solved her most recent whodunit when Hallmark decided to end the " Aurora Teagarden Mysteries " series. She's also upfront about her terms. She demands to know what she's done, but it's completely out of Aurora's hands. Cleo manages a aneurysm spell, but she fakes the pain, to Cleo's hooror. Ken will confront Hope in a trial by combat, the way of royalty and the gods. She believes that she is the awful one with the rest of her family, unlike the contrived little sob story she shared. She reminded him that she has been getting better every day and insisted that it was time for him to let her out, but Tristan pointed out that he couldn't as long as she was in this state. And my beloved brother, Tristan, suffers in a box, drowning over and over again, unable to die. She was worth trying to reach even if her brother, Klaus, or Ken never saw it. She looks quite youthful, with her slim features and bone structure. She retorts that her father was pretty hard to get rid of, and so is she. Aurora tells her how sorry she is. AKA A steely special ops agent finds his morality put to the test when he infiltrates a crime syndicate and unexpectedly bonds with the boss' young son. She has something else in mind. Hope decides to use the blade against her. All stories come from somewhere and if these stories are true, then the sarcophagus should be strong enough to trap the tribrid. Aurora and Lizzie make their way back to the Salvatore School. She attempts to explain that she's not who she thinks she is, even calling out for someone to help her. Ben begs to differ and believes they can work together. Thanks to the blue calamus, her mind is unguarded. Likewise, she calls Hope a coward, too, and believes her weapon will fix that and show her Papa Tunde's Blade. Aurora proceeds to laugh at what he's wearing. When Klaus arrives and tries to talk her out of shooting the gun, she tells him he's wrong and she pulls the trigger, but Freya uses her magic and the bullet misses Elijah, but it ricochets off the wall and hits Freya. Her suicide with Rebekah's blood in her system led to her transforming into the first vampire of Rebekah's sireline. In No More Heartbreaks, Aurora's unconscious body can be seen while Camille and Klaus were having a conversation. Lizzie appears in front of her and stabs her hand with the Red Oak stake. Ken already has her making excuses for him and he's never wasted much time with the ladies. Lizzie pulls a piece of the sarcophagus out from her bag. 3. Hope, out matched, flees from Aurora. She's surprised about his powers, assuming the legends to be true. In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, it was revealed that Aurora was in fact in love with Klaus and had a secret affair with him when she was human. As much as Aurora detests the things Lizzie said to her, many of them were true. Klaus was the most feared vampire in the world and he conspired to let her desiccate in a wall and when that failed, she was trapped in an endless slumber. Aurora is described as a beautiful and enigmatic vampire who is, at times, sexy, seductive, witty and free-spirited. Such is the way of gods. So, at the beginning of the episode, Aurora left two envelopes in a casket to greet Tristan at the airport. Lizzie wants to chat with her. Northern lights dazzle in parts of UK overnight - BBC Weather Aurora is also manipulative and calculating. Lizzie takes a seat across from Aurora, who wonders how she found her. Later, after Jen as recovered from her father's torture, Aurora prepares her a drink, thinking it will make her feel better. Lizzie calls Hope and tells her that the game has changed and has swapped sides. She ordered the latter to retrieve the wooden knight from Camille. Though she can't force Cleo to give her some inspiration, she can take it within her mind. Aurora isn't threatened by her appearance as she's just a distraction. They lack necessary information and that every move they make must be considered more than the one before. Aurora believes her to be lying. There was a funny moment in Season 5 of the Originals where Roman pointed out to Hope that there was a dead redhead wrapped in a sheet in the parlor. Aurora questions if he can bring him back. However, the blade changes into the Trident, the cloaking spell having worn off. Hope casts incendia in an attempt to destroy the spear, but it has no effect on it. Making another last minute turn, she questions Lizzie why she doesn't trust her with the map. The timing of her and the invader is convenient, to say the least. Lizzie explains that she was selfish and couldn't let her die without apologizing. She wanted him to change for her, but she wasn't enough. 'The Originals' Recap: Season 3 Episode 14 - TVLine Jen also retorts that should they ever wake up and find out, she'd be in a world of hurt, meaning she can't let them free any of them. Lizzie is surprised to find out that she betrayed her family. He demanded her to make weapons for the gods, but she refused to make something that takes a life. She pulls the spear forward beside her and kicks Aurora through the air; she's been fooled by her ruse. He's come to apologize to her. He needs confirmation that all the things she has told him are true. They know where the key is, though Lizzie doesn't know if they should be doing this, given the information Jen has given them about her father. He then told her to run in the fear of. Hope doesn't understand and asks what the weapon is. The Originals Recap: Another Mikaelson Christmas Ends in Tragedy - TVLine Jen doesn't believe that considering her father is involved. He believes the better plan is to take the key out of him and destroy it. Jen leaves her to think about what she's told her. Her dad has a way of bringing out the worst in people. She also questions what they do with Jen herself, who's clearly loath to raise any god. The Originals: 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved - Screen Rant Despite everything that Tristan did to her, she still stayed by his side and even fought for him against the Mikaelsons. Hope always finds a way out and she feels that it's a little biblical. If it means what he thinks it does, then there's something he must attend to. Klaus' heroic final act was a far cry from how he began the show, so there is full circle symmetry to his ending. Aurora is a recurring character on The Originals. As a human, she is seen with her hair very long and often in tiny braids. His spirit, his indomitable will. The more time they spend together, though, she wonders if it's even about them, because now she's partnered up with her. In Out of the Easy, Aurora and Klaus remained together in bed until Elijah came to the compound looking for Klaus. The waitress promptly threatens to kick her out, but Aurora flashes her true face to the women, threatening in kind to bite her. They both know how the Mikaelsons can be monsters, but Lizzie tells her that her beef isn't with Hope and taking out her trauma on her won't actually fix any of the hurt or heartache that her family put her through. She manages to strike Hope with the spear, though Hope believes she's had worse injuries. Aurora reminds her about their binding agreement and Lizzie doesn't want to break it, just to raise a different god. Now she understands why he will not make that mistake again. Charged particles entered our atmosphere and interacted with oxygen and nitrogen. Lizzie knows this as Aurora forced her to cast the binding spell. She assumes each one of them is an essential part of her, of her will, her emotions, powers and inspiration. Believing themselves to be the Mikaelsons, the trio ran, and would run for a century. After the events that transpired while Aurora's consciousness was in the world, she was walled into a bricked structure by Klaus. The other one was meant as a distraction. Later, she played God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen on the piano and was rejoined by her brother, both taking a quiet moment to enjoy the holiday. Later, Cami mentioned to Vincent that she believed Aurora would eventually return and try to finish her. In many ways, like Ken, she has lost everything, but unlike him, she doesn't know if revenge can restore it. She will then finally have her vengeance. However, the following night, she found that Lucien had completed his transition into the first ever sired vampire, and he and Klaus had fed on innocent women in the local chapel. He asked about her actions like recently killing the monk and admitted that he wished she had handled it better. Instead of manipulation and torture, he hopes they can share a meal and talk and releases her from the shackles. Lizzie, however, believes she knows how to fix her, though Aurora mentions that Tristan tried "fixing" her where a doctor or a monk would stick her in ice baths or cut her open, to try to help. He cannot, however, leave town without dying. Ken approaches her, claiming the end of the legend of the tribrid, the legacy of Klaus, forever. Aurora was a member of the De Martel Family. She tells Hope that this blade nearly broke her father and questions if she thinks herself as strong as him. Lizzie, however, has already Conus silenti spell before she stabbed her and that no one can hear anything she's saying. Her dad's already back and she believes that this whole plan is pointless, but if she doesn't go through with it, then their blood pact will kill her. She pleads to Lizzie, believing it to be her brother, to release her before Hope returns. She's waited far too long for this, and she won't let anyone ruin her fun. In The Axeman's Letter, Aurora sent a unique message to Klaus revealing that she was in town and wanted him to come find her. Aurora succumbs to the fatal wound and dies. Aurora will only become a Super Original if she is killed. The vengeful Aurora makes her move against Klaus and Elijah by using the captive Freya as bait to lure the originals into dangerous trap. She screams out in pain as it burrows into her chest. The two then made love in Klaus' bedroom. She wonders why Lizzie saved her. Legacies Finally Pays Off Klaus Never Killing Aurora In The Originals She understands his request but hesitates all the same. With the worst behind him, he asks for her to unchain him, though she doesn't. She's been caught in an endless cycle, until now. Aurora believes that Jen misunderstands him and is sure he had a good reason for putting her in the sarcophagus. Tired of her fantasy, Klaus spitefully told Aurora that she was just someone he left behind a thousand years ago, and that there was nothing between them anymore. Betrayed by Lizzie, Hope opens the sarcophagus and she's stabbed with the trident. Lizzie pleads with her to help her, though Aurora can't just let her out. 'The Originals' Recap: Season 3 Episode 17 [Spoiler] Dies, Aurora She will help him kill the tribrid and anyone who thinks they are wrong have the power to stop them. Soon thereafter, Tristan refused to let her be with Klaus. She had a very high resistance to aneurysm spells due to her time at a Buddhist monastery for an unknown amount of time. Every death will be his fault. Vincent suddenly appeared in front of the vehicle and used his magic to send the SUV crashing. Taking a moment to listen, she hears her heartbeat from one of the sarcophagi. Their attempts were futile as Aurora was stronger than them and enjoyed the pain she received, commenting that she hadn't felt it in three hundred years When they threaten Tristan, Aurora revealed that she only held the latitude of Rebekah's location and Tristan had the longitude, ensuring both siblings' safeties. 'Legacies' Recap: Season 4 Episode 8 'Originals - TVLine Hope explains that Aurora finally admitted that she loved her father and she deserves the honor, especially after the sacrifice she made. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Klaus arrived and tried to talk Aurora down from harming Camille by promising that Aurora was the woman he loved, not Cami. Aurora confronts Elijah and aims the gun at him while the two make snide remarks at each other. Coincidentally, one of Jen's many phones rings out. Aurora explains that it was forged with god magic which renders her witchcraft useless. She explains to Lizzie that she knew he was dangerous which was why she cut the key from him and left him chained to the tree. It also ensures that she won't be alone in this endeavor and they both get what they want. She tried to save her brother by killing Elijah, as this would end her brother's torment of drowning repeatedly, and was heartbroken when she failed to save him. The extra gut punch is. Aurora, learning of this from Elijah, asked to come with them, however Elijah refused, stating it was his family's burden. Freya & Elijah Sacrifice Davina On 'The Originals' - Bustle For the first time, she saw fear in his face. Aurora then echoed these thoughts to Klaus, breaking his heart. Aurora takes a moment and comes to her decision. One night, after being declined once again, Aurora tried to take her own life by slitting her wrists. Her resistance to pain infliction spells is impressive considering that she found Freya's attempt to hurt her amusing. Introducing herself, she is Aurora, Rebekah's first vampire of her sireline and her father's lover and greatest enemy. They want to raise the time god, Chronos, as they'd know him as. Klaus destroyed her life, and her sanity over the course of centuries. Aurora explains that after the descendants of the original Triad freed her, she knew she would need an object powerful enough to trap the tribrid. She was the first vampire to be compelled by an, She was compelled by Elijah to see Klaus as the wretched, deceitful monster that he truly is. She was the first vampire in history of TVD/TO universe revealed to be bipolar. She then questioned Camille's feelings for Klaus and laughed at the idea that Cami believed she was really bringing out the good in him. However, the ultimate death sentence for a god came along. Tristan, incorrectly believing Aurora was having an affair with Lucien, took the servant to the dungeons to be tortured for the scandal. He explains that his half-sister is far more intelligent than she appears. When she looks back at Klaus it is shown that he now has the gun and he aims it at her. Hope explains that this is her trusting her instincts and believing that she's not too far gone. Aurora believes it to not be a bad idea, though she no longer has any inspiration nor where to go next. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, Klaus swore retaliation against Aurora for what she did to Cami. Promising him that she, like Tristan and Lucien, only wanted her sire's assured survival and that Rebekah was safe, she told him to return to bed. From the outside, their relationship seems abusive and toxic, yet she'd still do anything to have him back, similar to her wanting Josie and Hope back. Though she seems to displays some enjoyment towards it. Despite this she still questions his wardrobe and tosses him the other man's clothing. She then knocks the gun out of his hand and karate chops him in the leg, and he goes down. Rebekah found her and gave her some of her blood, telling her to cherish her human life. 'The Originals' Cast: Where Are They Now? - Us Weekly He explains that when he said he could not return her brother, she assumed it was beyond his power. Killing her won't fix the past, nor will it erase the pain that she's experienced. She explains that she came here because she needed a weapon that could kill the tribrid. In the Originals she is the daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah. Hope has to help her clean up the mess she made and save her dad. Klaus grabbed Aurora and got her away from Cami before she could harm her, bringing her outside into an alley. However, Lizzie's point is that they've both suffered at the hands of a Mikaelson, suggesting they join forces. Aurora greets Hope, wondering if she expected someone else. Lizzie attempts to sway her go unheard and does as she commands. She continued playing the piano with her brother at her side, as her plans came to fruition and Camille killed herself and began her transition into becoming a vampire. However, Aurora can say the same about her, but Lizzie hears her out. Klaus changed for her and she saw in her everything that she couldn't have. Colorado governor signs 4 gun control bills after massacre : NPR Cleo learns of her line of questioning and jumps ahead, seeking her out. She was the only member of the Trinity to appear in all of the first 10 episodes of season 3. With Malivore dead, wherever Ben is, she believes he's there for eternity. Eventually, the two returned to the compound, where Klaus showed Aurora a painting of her, long encased in a wall, admitting that he never did stop loving her. In this moment, that falls to her. In a state, Aurora believes Lizzie to be her dead brother, Tristan, and tells her she knows how to defeat Hope. She comments on his strength, but they need to have a chat. However, on their wedding night, Phillip is killed by an evil sorcerer, Maleficent.

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