Olympos, but these withdrew when the massive size of the invading army was revealed. The Battle of Marathon The Athenian force numbered around 10,000, including 1,000 Plataeans, and was led by the Athenian General Miltiades. Only 192 Greeks died in the fighting. began his conquest by first sending envoys to attempt a diplomatic conquest of the northernmost of the Grecian kingdoms: Macedonia, the homeland of future Greek leader, Alexander the Great. For decades the mere mention of the Persian army was enough to terrify the Greek city-states they were an unknown entity, supported by incredibly strong cavalry and vast numbers of soldiers, and seemingly impossible for the small, contentious peninsula to confront. As the armies clashed, the thinner Greek center was quickly pushed back. The modern marathon race is named for this incorrect telling of events. Though the Persians did try again with a second invasion in 480 BCE, that, too, was ultimately beaten back by the Greeks in 479 BCE. With the re-institution of a modern Olympics in 1896, the organizers of the games hoped for an event that would capture the publics attention and also reflect upon the gilded age of ancient Greece. But reconciling Greek historian Herodotuss accounts with a line in the Byzantine historical record known as the Suda gives a reasonable explanation as to why they might have done so. The Greek hoplite army's victory at Marathon ensured that the Greek city-states would continue to be independent, rather than becoming just another part of the Persian Empire. 3. WebWhat happened at the battle of Marathon? Figure 2: A possible position of the Greek and Persian armies in an initial stand-off at Marathon. The outnumbered Athenians famously defeated the Persian armies on the beach of Marathon, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Athens. With the Persians closing in on the Greek capitol, Athenian general Miltiades assumed command of the hastily assembled army. The Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. Hornblower, Simon & Spawforth, Antony & Eidinow, Esther. And Athens was desperate. on the seaside Grecian plain of Marathon. But the Greeks had managed to overcome insurmountable odds and succeed in protecting Athens, the jewel of Greece, from total annihilation. They were joined by 1,000 Plataeans, which, according to Herodotus, greatly calmed the nerves of the Athenians. He suggests that the summer heat of August may have pushed the runner began the Golden Age of Athens The Greeks would amass over 300 triremes and perhaps their main purpose was to prevent the Persian fleet sailing down the inland coast of Lokris and Boeotia. The distance between the Greeks and the Persians was around one mile, mostly open plains. Battle of Marathon Flashcards | Quizlet Battle of Marathon, (September 490 bce), in the Greco-Persian Wars, decisive battle fought on the Marathon plain of northeastern Attica in which the Athenians, in a single afternoon, repulsed the first Persian invasion of Greece. WebThe Athenian Treasury at Delphi was built out of the spoils of the battle. According to legend, an Athenian messenger was sent from Marathon to Athens, a distance of about 25 miles (40 km), and there he announced the Persian defeat before dying of exhaustion. The historian Herodotus reports that their retreat was disciplined and organized. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. 10 generals at the head of 10,000 soldiers set out for Marathon, tight-lipped and fearful, but ready to fight to the last man if necessary. They also relied on more mixed tactics. Wild in their fear, some of the Persians tried to escape via the nearby swamps, ignorant and unaware of the treacherous terrain, where they drowned. After a failed naval expedition in 492 BC, Darius sent a second army two years later. Though, this seems unlikely, given the distance between them. The remaining hoplites, now trapped and without their inspirational king, were subjected to a barrage of Persian arrows until no man was left standing. Battle of Marathon date revised | Nature And many states, even including Persia, employed Greek hoplite mercenaries to do their fighting for them for many years after the Persian defeats at the hands of the Greeks. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. After the battle, Xerxes ordered that Leonidas' head be put on a stake and displayed at the battlefield. Accessed May 1, 2023. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. WebThe battle of Marathon was fought in September of 490 B.C., when the Persian king Darius I sent a force to subdue Athens after the Athenians had supported the Ionian Greeks during their unsuccessful rebellion against Persian rule in western Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). I feel like its a lifeline. License. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Instead, he turned around and made the incredible run, another 220 kilometers over rocky, mountainous terrain in just two days, back to Marathon, warning the Athenians that no immediate help could be expected from Sparta. Pericles, the Delian League, and the Athenian Golden Age. Despite being greatly inferior in numbers, the Greeks held the narrow pass for three days with Spartan king Leonidas fighting a last-ditch defence with a small force of Spartans and other Greek hoplites. If Persia had managed to burn Athens to the ground, what would our world be like, having never heard the words of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle? "Persian Wars: Battle of Marathon." Herodotus writes that before leaving the city, the Athenians sent a runner, Pheidippides, to Sparta to ask for aid. In the map seen in figure 1, some of the most important city-states can be found, including Athens. Refusing to relent, the Athenians splashed into the sea after them, burning a few ships and managing to capture seven, bringing them to shore. Hickman, Kennedy. But their utter victory at Eretria, an ally of Athens and a city that they had laid siege to and enslaved after being offered surrender, was a tactical mistake that showed Persias hand. After a series of political negotiations it became clear that the Persians would not gain victory through diplomacy and the two armies met at Plataea in August 479 BCE. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. With hard to meet entry requirements and checkpoints set up during the actual race, the course is much more extreme, and runners are often pulled before the end due to being overly fatigued. Seeing that the opportunity to strike the previously lightly-defended city had passed, the Persians withdrew back to Asia. Arriving approximately 25 miles north of Athens, the Persians came ashore and were soon hemmed in by the Greeks on the Plain of Marathon. THE PERSIANS WENT RUNNING FOR THEIR SHIPS. A fully accurate recounting of the events at Marathon can never truly be known. The Athenians stood in support of a resistance movement called the Ionian Revolt and dreams of democracy, sparked when subjugated Greek colonies were provoked into rebellion against the tyrants put in place (by regional Persian governors) to control them. Athens and Sparta were able to galvanize a number of cities, previously petrified at the thought of a Persian attack, into defending their homeland. This stubbornness forced the two armies to remain at a stalemate for about five days, facing one another across the plain of Marathon with only minor skirmishes breaking out, the Greeks managing to keep hold of their nerve and their defensive line. Battle of Thermopylae - World History Encyclopedia As panic spread in the Persian ranks, their lines began to break and they fled back to their ships. Those who could afford to do so would wear full bronze armor. For the Greeks, this inactivity was largely due to a fear of being attacked by the Persian cavalry as they crossed the plain. Moving south, the Persians landed near Marathon, approximately 25 miles north of Athens. The Persian army fought with tactics that proved inferior to those of the Greek hoplite armies. This was not forthcoming as the Athenian messenger had arrived during the festival of Carneia, a sacred time of peace. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Greco-Persian Wars Results & Significance | What Caused the Greco-Persian Wars? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The date was either August 12th or September 12th in the year 490 BC when the battle commenced. The Greeks' favored way of fighting was in a formation called the phalanx. For five days the armies squared off with little movement. Casualties for the Battle of Marathon are generally listed as 203 Greek dead and 6,400 for the Persians. This was compounded by the Greek's decision to run into the battle, limiting their exposure to the Persian arrows. The left and right wings of the Greek army consisted of the normal eight-man columns. The Battle of Marathon The relatively small size of the defending force has been explained as a reluctance by some Greek city-states to commit troops so far north, and/or due to religious motives, for it was the period of the sacred games at Olympia and the most important Spartan religious festival, the Karneia, and no fighting was permitted during these events. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Therefore, the Spartans, widely credited as being the best fighters in Greece and the only polis with a professional army, contributed only a small advance force of 300 hoplites (from an estimated 8,000 available) to the Greek defensive force, these few being chosen from men with male heirs. The Greek forces included 300 Spartans and their helots with 2,120 Arcadians, 1,000 Lokrians, 1,000 Phokians, 700 Thespians, 400 Corinthians, 400 Thebans, 200 men from Phleious, and 80 Mycenaeans. The Greek victory over the Persians also proved the superiority of the phalanx over the tactics used by eastern powers. At this point, the Greek center struggled against the Persian center. The Battle of Marathon - Facts, Summary, and Significance Help our mission to provide free history education to the world! 2. Hoplites fighting in a phalanx became the most common method of warfare for hundreds of years. The Battle of Marathon was fought in August or September 490 BC during the Persian Wars (498 BC448 BC) between Greece and the Persian Empire. In 490 BCE, Darius sent his navy, with around 25,000 or 30,000 soldiers, led by Datis and Artaphernes, to invade mainland Greece. Faced with the same terrible and fast approaching enemy, debate raged in Athens as it had in Eretria as to the safest course of action for the city, the downside to democracy being the slow and dissentious style of decision making. She has taught college History and Government courses. Cite This Work Even so, it wouldnt be until 500 B.C. World History Encyclopedia, 16 Apr 2013. Meanwhile at Artemision, the Persians were battling the elements rather than the Greeks, as they lost 400 triremes in a storm off the coast of Magnesia and more in a second storm off Euboea. Why was the battle of Marathon fought? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The dry reed buildings went up like tinder, and the resulting inferno consumed the city. In 490 BCE, they were stopped in their tracks largely by the efforts of a single Greek city, Athens. These ideas were spread much further by the conquests of Alexander the Great, who eventually destroyed the Persian Empire in 336 BCE. Last mile update 11:39 a.m. Discover the significance of the Battle of Marathon through maps and historical accounts. The Greek's stronger armor and shields, as well as their long spears, helped them overcome the Persians superior numbers. The Battle of Marathon may have been won, but the Greeks knew that the threat to Athens was far from defeated. Leonidas had stationed the contingent of Phokian troops to guard this vital point but they, thinking themselves the primary target of this new development, withdrew to a higher defensive position when the Immortals attacked. Mason-Dixon Line Create your account. Marathon This was, perhaps, to stretch his lines longer in order to avoid being outflanked by the more numerous Persians. Battle of Thermopylae. Darius the Great Accomplishments: Lesson for Kids, Mycenae Civilization & Culture | Facts About Mycenaean Greece, Athens vs. Sparta | Life Differences Between Athens & Sparta. "Battle of Thermopylae." Darius was beyond angry a persistent thorn in his side, the continued insolence from Athens was infuriating and so he dispatched his army under the leadership of Datis, his best admiral, heading first toward the conquest of Eretria, a city nearby and in close relations with Athens. AP World History - Ancient Greece: Tutoring Solution, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses. This easy submission was not soon forgotten by Athens and Sparta, and over the following years they watched as Persian influence spread ever closer towards them. There would be no compromises. Greece was about to face its greatest ever threat, and even the oracle at Delphi ominously advised the Athenians to 'fly to the world's end'. Not only Greek military ideas, but also Greek philosophical ideas survived and flourished thanks to the Greek victory over the Persians. was part of the first Persian invasion of Greece. The Battle of Marathon occurred in 490 BCE, when the Persian Empire was at its height. Yet while those Greek scholars were laying the groundwork for our world today, the leaders and everyday citizens were concerned about being conquered, enslaved, or slaughtered by the powerful, unknown society to the East: the Persians. The Greeks, fielding the largest hoplite army ever seen, won the battle and finally ended Xerxes' ambitions in Greece. succeed. 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