Making sure staff are aware of their classifications within their award or agreement can also help staff understand your expectations. When does an inquiry, investigation or hearing end? How will you help your employees understand the change and its potential impact on them? Superseded. Determinations may define expressions by reference to other instruments. The process took 3 to 4 months each time. (v) the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991; (p) such other functions as are conferred on the ACMA by or under the following provisions of the Radiocommunications Act 1992: (i) paragraph102B(b), 109A(1)(g) or (ga), or 131ACA(b); (ii) subsection106(6A), 109A(1A) or (1B), 114(3C) or (3E), or 128C(1); (q) to report to, and advise, the Minister in relation to the broadcasting industry, internet industry and datacasting industry; (r) to monitor, and to report to the Minister on, the operation of each Act specified in paragraph(o) or (p), to the extent it is so specified; (s) to do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance of any of the above functions. (3) Paragraph(1)(a) does not apply to a member who is prevented by rules made for the purposes of section29 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 from deliberating on the proposed decision. (4) The ACMA may give an advisory committee written directions as to: (a) the way in which the committee is to carry out its functions; and. 55 Arrangements with authorities of the Commonwealth. If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes. Consultation also helps staff feel engaged and supported. The following initiatives can be used to promote effective communication in your workplace: Improve your communication with these tips: Before consulting your employees about a proposed workplace change, you need to consider what that change might mean for your business. means an official symbol of the ACMA, the design of which is prescribed in the regulations. The ACMA has power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with the performance of its functions. The ACMA may, subject to this Division, regulate proceedings at its meetings as it considers appropriate. (2) The Minister may appoint a person to act as a member (other than as Chair or Deputy Chair): (a) during a vacancy in the office of a member (whether or not an appointment has previously been made to the office); or. Find the contact details for your state or territory body in the Links and resources section at the end of this guide. Legislation We administer acts and regulations relating to work health and safety (WHS), explosives and the transportation of dangerous goods. A system of enterprise-level collective bargaining underpinned by bargaining obligations and rules governing industrial action. As set out in the Fair Work Act and other workplace legislation, the key elements of our workplace relations framework are: Australia's workplace relations laws are enacted by the Commonwealth Parliament. Employment 8. Participation etc. (1) The ACMA may establish 1 or more Divisions. You should make sure that your employees are comfortable asking you questions and raising issues or concerns with you or a manager. Work health and safety | Participation etc. Skip to primary navigation Skip to primary content. Information management legislation | (ii) relating to a kind of listed carriage service specified in the instruction under this paragraph and covered by the instruction under paragraph(a); (c) to provide services, or facilities, on behalf of the Commonwealth under a contract made by the Commonwealth, where: (i) the services or facilities relate to radiocommunications or telecommunications; or, (ii) the provision of the services or facilities utilises the ACMAs spare capacity; or. 15 Compilation date: 1 July 2015 Includes amendments up to: SLI No. Consultation clauses generally require consultation where an employer has decided to introduce major changes in production, programming, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to significantly affect employees. Australian Government Federal Register of . (ii) ending before the commencement of section6; when the person was a member, or associate member, of the body corporate that was continued in existence by section14 of the Australian Communications Authority Act 1997. customer cabling has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications Act 1997. customer equipment has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications Act 1997. (3) Nothing in subsection(1), so far as it applies in relation to a protected name or in relation to a protected symbol, affects rights conferred by law on a person in relation to: (a) a trade mark that is registered under the Trade Marks Act 1995; or. (2) The Forums function is to assist the ACMA to perform the ACMAs functions in relation to matters affecting consumers. (2) The Chair may, by writing, impose conditions to be complied with in relation to authorised disclosure information disclosed under subsection(1). Regulations 56, Endnotes 57, Endnote 1About the endnotes 57, Endnote 2Abbreviation key 59, Endnote 3Legislation history 60, Endnote 4Amendment history 64, An Act to establish the Australian Communications and Media Authority, and for related purposes. Most awards and agreements require making a copy of the award or enterprise agreement available and easily accessible to staff. Note: Subsection299(1) (in Part13) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 prohibits an ACMA official who has received information as described in that subsection from disclosing the information, except in certain circumstances. Workplace Relations Regulations 2006 Select Legislative Instrument No. (b) during any period, or during all periods, when a member: (1) The Minister may appoint as many associate members of the ACMA as he or she thinks fit. The Department of Home Affairs administers the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (TIA Act) and the Surveillances Devices Act 2004 (SD Act). 62B Decisions relating to the Commonwealth etc. Because of this duty, employers need to eliminate or reduce the risks to employees' health and safety caused by workplace bullying. Stay up to date with workplace law changes - Fair Work Protections against unfair or unlawful termination of employment. It explains the advantages of taking a best practice approach to consultation and cooperation in your business. The annual report prepared by the Chair and given to the Minister under section46 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 for a period must include: (a) a copy of each direction given to the ACMA under section14 during the period; and. (b) the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 to a vacancy in the membership of a body; there are taken to be 7 offices of members in addition to the Chair and Deputy Chair. associate member means an associate member of the ACMA. (1) A member or associate member is to be paid the remuneration that is determined by the Remuneration Tribunal. If you are unsure about how it applies to your situation you can call our Infoline on 13 13 94 or speak with a union, industry association or a workplace relations professional. 10 ACMAs broadcasting, content and datacasting functions. The TIA Act protects the privacy of Australians by prohibiting interception of communications and access to stored communications. This means any change to the business that will affect employees in a significant way, for example different working hours, duties, work locations or redundancies. (1) For the purposes of a reference in an Act other than this Act to a member of the ACMA, an associate member is taken to be a member for all purposes in connection with any inquiry, investigation, hearing or other matter specified in his or her instrument of appointment. gambling service has the same meaning as in the Interactive Gambling Act 2001. hearing means a hearing held, or proposed to be held, by the ACMA under Part13 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992. inquiry means an inquiry held, or proposed to be held, by the ACMA under: (a) Part25 of the Telecommunications Act 1997; or. How sophisticated the communication strategy should be depends on the size of your business and the type of changes involved. Work health and safety Explosives Rural workers accommodation Dangerous goods (road and rail transport) (3) An associate member may be appointed as a fulltime associate member or as a parttime associate member. (1) A corporate plan prepared by the Chair under section35 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 must include details of such other matters (if any) as the Minister requires. Each jurisdiction has a WHS regulator that: enforces WHS laws inspects workplaces gives advice. 07/Jan/2023: F2023C00022: 38: 01/Jan/2023: . (a) a Commonwealth entity within the meaning of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013; or, (b) a Commonwealth company within the meaning of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013; or. Extension to complete inquiry, investigation or hearing. Note: This subsection does not authorise ACMA to bring proceedings against the Commonwealth: see also subsection62B(2). (a) rules made for the purposes of section29 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 prevent a member from participating in the deliberations, or decisions, of the ACMA with respect to a particular matter; and. The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. Best practice employers know how to communicate effectively and encourage their managers and workers to also communicate clearly, honestly and respectfully. (5) If a person requests that a copy be provided in an electronic form, the ACMA may provide the relevant information: data processing device means any article or material (for example, a disk) from which information is capable of being reproduced, with or without the aid of any other article or device. Select the topic below for information and links to each piece of legislation. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Good communication starts from the day you hire a new employee. Consultation is also required in some situations. (4) An associate members instrument of appointment must contain a statement to the effect that the associate members appointment relates to 1 or more specified matters, being: (a) an inquiry, investigation or hearing; or. ACMA legislated functions - Department of Communications (5) The ACMA may give the Forum written directions as to: (a) the way in which the Forum is to carry out its function; and. (b) keep a record of decisions made in accordance with section48. The Corporations Act regulates matters including how to register a company and how businesses should behave during insolvency. Workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying | Australian Human (3) A direction under subsection(1) must be published in the Gazette. (4) Nothing in this section, so far as it applies to a protected name or in relation to a protected symbol, affects the use, or rights conferred by law relating to the use, of the name or symbol by a person in a particular manner if, immediately before 11May 2004, the person: (a) was using the name or the symbol in good faith in that manner; or. (4) For the purposes of a particular proposed decision, this section applies to an associate member as if the associate member were a member, if that proposed decision relates to a matter connected with an inquiry, investigation, hearing or other matter specified in the associate members instrument of appointment. It is best to raise any issues or concerns as early as possible. The managers invited employees to take part in talking circles where they could talk about the impact of the proposed changes on their jobs, make suggestions and evaluate options. It covers companies and other entities, such as partnerships. PDF Workplace Privacy Act 2011 - ACT Legislation Register This subsection has effect subject to subsections(3) and (4). (1) The ACMAs broadcasting, content and datacasting functions are as follows: (a) to regulate broadcasting services and datacasting services in accordance with the Broadcasting Services Act 1992; (b) to plan the availability of segments of the broadcasting services bands on an area basis; (c) to allocate, renew, suspend and cancel licences and to take other enforcement action under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992; (d) to conduct investigations or hearings relating to the allocating of licences for community radio and community television services; (e) to conduct investigations as directed by the Minister under section171 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992; (f) to design and administer pricebased systems for the allocation of commercial television broadcasting licences and commercial radio broadcasting licences; (g) to collect any fees payable in respect of licences; (h) to conduct or commission research into community attitudes on issues relating to programs and datacasting content; (i) to assist broadcasting service providers and datacasting service providers to develop codes of practice that, as far as possible, are in accordance with community standards; (j) to monitor compliance with those codes of practice; (k) to develop program standards relating to broadcasting in Australia; (l) to monitor compliance with those standards; (m) to monitor and investigate complaints concerning broadcasting services (including national broadcasting services) and datacasting services; (ma) to monitor compliance with the online content service provider rules; (n) to inform itself and advise the Minister on technological advances and service trends in the broadcasting industry, internet industry and datacasting industry; (o) such other functions as are conferred on the ACMA by or under: (i) the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983; or, (ii) the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (other than Part14AA or Schedule5 or 7); or, (iii) the Interactive Gambling Act 2001; or. The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. (2) An ACMA official may disclose to a Minister authorised disclosure information that relates to a matter arising under a provision of an Act that is administered by that Minister. consider any views given by the employees or their representatives. On this page: Importance of communication Employees Employers Consultation Workplace conversations (1) The Minister may appoint a member to act as the Deputy Chair: (a) during a vacancy in the office of Deputy Chair (whether or not an appointment has previously been made to the office); or. These consultations helped many businesses gain the buy-in needed to quickly adapt to new or different ways of working. (4) A Division can also include 1 or more associate members as chosen from time to time by the ACMA if, for that associate member, or for each of those associate members, the kinds of matters the Division can deal with include a matter connected with an inquiry, investigation, hearing or other matter specified in the associate members instrument of appointment. Save results from our Pay, Shift, Leave and Notice and Redundancy Calculators. There are many communication methods that you can use with your employees. The Federal Register of Legislation (the Legislation Register) is the authorised whole-of-government website for Commonwealth legislation and related documents. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation. Some problems are easy to fix with just a simple conversation. Commencement [see Note 1] 3. This best practice guide is for managers and employers. For 10 year rule, count membership and ABA and ACA membership and associate membership. (1) An associate member is entitled to attend, and participate in discussions at, a meeting of the ACMA while the meeting is considering a matter connected with an inquiry, investigation, hearing or other matter specified in the associate members instrument of appointment. (1) A decision is taken to have been made at a meeting of a Division if: (a) without meeting, a majority of the members in the Division indicate agreement with the proposed decision in accordance with the method determined by the Division under subsection(2); and. (1) The ACMA is to maintain a Register in which the ACMA includes: (a) all directions given to the ACMA under this Act or any other Act; and. (vi) PartXIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010; (k) to monitor, and to report to the Minister on, the operation of each Act specified in paragraph(j), to the extent it is so specified; (l) to do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance of any of the above functions. ACMA staff means the staff described in section54. additional functions, in relation to the ACMA, has the meaning given by section11. ACMA to maintain Register of policy notifications and Ministerial directions, (b) the contents, immediately before the commencement of section6 of this Act, of the register maintained under section56 of the. communicate face to face wherever possible, especially for important messages, give the communication your full attention, make your communication as clear and as honest as you can, listen reflectively and actively and check that you have heard the message correctly, respond respectfully, be empathetic (I can appreciate why you feel that way), pay attention to body language and non-verbal triggers, be aware that different cultures have different ways of communicating respectfully (for example not making eye contact or favouring private rather than public praise).

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