For all the analyses, comparisons were made between a "young-old" group (ages 6574), an "old-old" group (age 75 or older), and a "middle-aged" comparison group (ages 3050). Similar concern was raised by highway engineers surveyed by Harwood et al. For SSD, this is the time from object or hazard detection to initiation of the braking maneuver. (1997) performed a laboratory study, field study, and sight distance analysis to measure driver age differences in performance under varying traffic and operating conditions, as a function of varying degrees of offset of opposite left-turn lanes at suburban arterial intersections. However, the Series D font produced significantly longer legibility distances than the Clear Condensed 100 font at night. (1986) examined the PRT of 124 subjects traversing a 3-hour test circuit which contained scenarios identified above as Cases II, IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. For these reasons, the safety of aging persons at intersections, particularly pedestrians, may be adversely affected when large curb radii are provided. As diagrammed inFigure 70, the four right-turn lane geometries were: Figure 70. Hauer (1988) stated that "the standards and design procedures for intersection sight triangles should be modified because there is reason to believe that when a passenger car is taken as the design vehicle, the sight distance is too short for many aging drivers, who take longer to make decisions, move their heads more slowly, and wish to wait for longer gaps in traffic.". at crest vertical curves (Figure 18), headlight sight distance at sag A study conducted in Switzerland by Simon and Rutz, 1988 (in Jacquemart, 1998) also concluded that the distance between the pedestrian crossing and the inscribed circle should be 16 ft as greater distances do not increase pedestrian safety. Age-related deficits in vision and attention are key to developing recommendations for improved stop control and yield control at intersections. The traffic situation has changed when the aging driver actually begins the maneuver, and drivers on the main roadway are often forced to adjust their speed to avoid a collision. Recommendations for this design element address the radius of the curb that joins the curbs of adjacent approaches to an intersection. The CIE recommends the same peak intensity for all three colors (200 cd for 8-in signals and 600 cd for 12-in signals), but acknowledges that actual intensity differences between colors result due to the differential transmittance of the colored lenses (1:1.3 for red to green and 1:3 for red to yellow). Hallmark and Mueller (2004) conducted a crash analysis to evaluate the impact of different types of left-turn phasing on older and younger drivers at high-speed intersections in Iowa. Delays were thus reduced by 78 percent in morning peak periods, and by 76 percent in afternoon peak periods, after intersections were converted to roundabouts. The protected-only/leading and protected/permissive schemes are known as "leading," and the protected-only/lagging and permissive/protected are known as "lagging" schemes. They noted that STOP signs following a STOP AHEAD (W3-1a) sign are more conspicuous not only to aging drivers but to everyone, because expectancy has been increased. Proper allocation of attention has become more difficult, as drivers are overloaded with more traffic, more signs, and more complex roadway configurations and traffic patterns, as well as more complex displays and controls in newer vehicles (Dewar, 1992). The simulator scenario was programmed so that gap acceptance at the unimproved intersection was tested as follows: drivers experienced oncoming traffic with one relatively short gap followed by more traffic and eventually a long gap without any oncoming traffic. Publications / Thus, the brightness of the sign's background area is most critical, because these devices will typically be recognized and understood as soon as they are detected (the conspicuity distance), rather than closer in (legibility distance). The top graph shows a roadway profile with It is the minimum distance require within which a vehicle moving at design speed can be stopped without colliding with a stationary object. Harwood et al. During the conduct of their driving task analysis, McKnight and Adams (1970a, 1970b) identified five driving tasks related specifically to the conspicuity of intersection geometric elements: (1) maintain correct lateral lane position; (2) survey pavement markings; (3) survey physical boundaries; (4) determine proper lane position for the intended downstream maneuver; and (5) search for path guidance cues. Even if a driver makes a mistake and chooses a gap that is too short, a collision is easier to avoid. For the younger drivers, crash rates were highest with permissive phasing, followed by protected/permissive phasing. The highest even 5-mph increment for which stopping sight distance is met is 55 mph. One of the slowest 15th percentile values (2.94 ft/s) was observed for older pedestrians crossing snow-covered roadways. Joint flexibility, an essential component of driving skill, has been estimated to decline by approximately 25 percent in aging adults due to arthritis, calcification of cartilage, and joint deterioration (Smith and Sethi, 1975). The authors cited regression-to-the-mean as a factor in this crash reduction, but noted that the decline in pedestrian injury crashes was consistently greater with the countdown sites than the non-countdown sites. In this approach, the most valid PRT estimator will fall between the bounds of values derived from the competing models thus far, also taking into account age-related response slowing for recognition, decision-making, and limb movement. In this example, Roundabout Sign Recommended by Lord et al. Case E: Intersections with All-Way Stop Control. The type of markings used to define a crosswalk can also make a difference in driver compliance. The decision to install a traffic signal is based on an investigation of physical and traffic flow conditions and data, including traffic volume, approach travel speeds, physical condition diagrams, crash history, and gap and delay information (Wilshire, 1992). This compared with 22 percent or less for the younger age groups. The yellow arrow display was more often treated as a last chance to complete a turn when compared with a circular yellow indication. The text Left Lane and Right Lane were added under the corresponding routes, on the sign used in Countermeasure 1. However, the TEH guidelines provide a range of lane widths at intersections from 9 ft to 14 ft, where the wider lanes would be used to accommodate larger turning vehicles, which have turning paths that sweep a path from 13.6 ft for a single-unit truck or bus up to 20.6 ft for a semitrailer. Figure 18 is a photo taken at night at a sag vertical curve that shows However, in designing a new intersection, he stated that the presence of islands is unlikely to offset the disadvantage of large intersection size for the pedestrian. Maneuver times for drivers positioned within the intersection versus unpositioned drivers, however, were significantly different. The basic highway signal head used by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways in British Columbia consists of a 12-in red light, a 8-in amber light, and a 8-in green light arranged vertically with a yellow backplate. Finally, Sarkar, Burden, and Wallwork (1999) reviewed driver's manuals for 32 States and the District of Columbia, and concluded that the information on traffic circle and roundabout use was inadequate. Some research has indicated that the dimming of signals at night may have advantages, while also reducing power consumption. Only two research reports provide intensity requirements for green and/or yellow signals based upon empirical data. Candidates for these remedial treatments include left-turn trap lanes on roadways with high volumes, high speeds, poor approach visibility, and complex geometrics (Foxen, 1986). A consistent finding showed that the slowest mean free-flow speeds were measured at the 15 ft curb radius location for all age groups. Lerner et al. The angle of approach to the street or highway being entered ranges from the near perpendicular to the near parallel. There were no differences in behavioral errors between the two intersections or between the two age groups. Drivers made significantly fewer RTORs at the skewed channelized intersection than at the other three locations. This EI is to provide interim guidance for current projects, and will be incorporated into the NY StateHighway Design Manual. The length of sag In a field study conducted as part of the same project, three intersections providing right-turn curb radii of 40 ft, 25 ft, and 15 ft were evaluated to examine the effects of curb radii on the turning paths of vehicles driven by drivers in three age groups. The oldest subjects exhibited an average decrement of approximately one-third of head range of movement compared with the youngest group of subjects. Kihlberg and Tharp (1968) showed that crash rates increased 35 percent for highway segments with curved intersections over highway segments with straight intersections. The results of these calculations for alternate values of G, beginning at 7.0 s, are plotted against the required sight distance calculated using the modified AASHTO formula [1.47V(J+ ta); where J=2.5 s and ta is obtained from Table IX-33 in the 1994Green Book] inFigure 73. In this study, the average walking speed of the older pedestrians was 2.8 ft/s, with a standard deviation of 0.56 ft/s); the average speed of the younger pedestrians was 4.2 ft/s, with a standard deviation of 0.56 ft/s). Countermeasure 2 (Yield sign with supplemental plaque "To Traffic in Circle") received significantly higher comfort ratings than the baseline condition. Aging drivers may experience greater difficulties at intersections as the result of diminished visual capabilities such as depth and motion perception, as well as diminished attention-sharing (cognitive) capabilities. Figure 85. (1992) examined the issue of offset left-turn lanes, and developed an approach that could be used to compute the amount of offset that is required to minimize or eliminate the sight restriction caused by opposing left-turn vehicles. The mean value for younger pedestrians was 1.93 s compared with 2.48 s for older pedestrians. Standards for traffic signals are important because it is imperative that they attract the attention of every driver, including aging drivers and those with impaired vision who meet legal requirements, as well as those who are fatigued or distracted, or who are not expecting to encounter a signal at a particular location. The IHSDM (see Chapter 1) creates WebCalculating the passing sight distance required for a given roadway is best accomplished using a simple model. At the non-channelized intersection, 22 percent of drivers age 2545, 5 percent of the drivers age 6574, and none of the drivers age 75 and older performed a RTOR without a stop. Standardize the position and size of signals. A channelized right-turn lane at a 90-degree intersection with an exclusive use (acceleration) lane on the receiving street. Detectability of a pedestrian is generally influenced by contrast, motion, color, and size (Robertson, Berger, and Pain, 1977). There was, however, a significant over-involvement for both groups of older drivers in right-angle collisions, both in urban and in rural locations. They note that while yield control has been found to be as safe as stop control at very low volumes, the safety impacts are not well established for higher volume levels. The studies discussed below define the types of crashes in which aging pedestrians are most likely to be involved, and under what conditions the crashes most frequently occur. Warrants for traffic signals are thoroughly described in theMUTCD. The data provided by this report gives some expectation that 40 ft/in is a reasonable goal under most conditions. The sight lines in this case are affected by the presence, type (passenger versus heavy vehicle), and location (positioned or un-positioned in the intersection) of opposing left-turning traffic, and by the lateral offset of the opposite left-turn lanes themselves. The likelihood of conflict was significantly lower during the LPI condition than during the baseline condition for both left- and right-turning vehicles; the odds of conflict for pedestrians leaving the curb during the begin-walk period were reduced by approximately 95 percent. Stopping Distance by Sight Calculator and Formulas One treatment that has shown promising results is the flashing yellow arrow (FYA). Modern roundabouts are an intersection design that has been in use in Europe and Australia for decades, but have more recently come into their own in the United States. In a telephone interview, 11.4 percent indicated that they had difficulty crossing the street. For both intersections, a general trend showed that the older the pedestrian, the longer the crossing time. In a retrospective site-based review and crash analysis, that included a detailed investigation of over 400 crashes involving drivers age 65 years and older at 62 sites in Australia, absence of a minimum receiving lane width of 12 ft with a 4 ft shoulder was a contributing factor in 8 percent of the crashes (Oxley, et al., 2006). Aging drivers participating in focus groups and completing questionnaires for traffic safety researchers over the past two decades have consistently stated that larger street signs with bigger lettering and standardization of sign placement overhead would make driving an easier task (Yee, 1985; Gutman and Milstein, 1988; Cooper, 1990; Staplin, Lococo, and Sim, 1990; Benekohal, et al., 1992; Knoblauch, et al., 1995).

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