Could it happen? Deryck-PDN. He said it entertained them for quite awhile. Click Registration to join us and share your expertise with our readers.). Men seem to think that if they can stick a dick in it, it doesnt need anything to be sterile during the time when women are most vulnerable to infection. So, once and for all, lets get this subject straightened out. Even if we wanted to absorb the blood,a regular tampon could absorb approx. If you have nothing else then use a tampon. Don't. Just don't. It's a common "tactical medicine" myth, so I thought I'd post this. Tampons make the non-life threatening loss of built-up blood a little easier to deal with, and thats all. Some people feel that they have lost their virginity multiple times, by having different kinds of sex. As we have in the field started packing wounds in recent years (this is a carry over from combat medics, yes I know its been standard for years in the military, but not so for most US based field medicine). Remember, the entrance wound is determined by the size of the bullet, it is the wound you can physically see. The x large roll of gauze would be a MUCH more effective wound packing material but he chose the tampon because the gauze would never fit in his helmet and would take up a lot of space anywhere else in his kit. While Dr. Earle Haas patented the first modern tampon in 1931, tampons had been used for thousands of years prior to that by women across the globe. The French Revolution changed everything, and the guy in most urgent need of medical intervention got treated first (unless youre a boyfriend of Mario Cuomos daughter, then you get a COVID vaccine ahead of at-risk seniors. If you want to go the extra mile, add a 2-pack of vented chest seals, but I recommend that most folks leave the nasopharyngeal airways, surgical lubricant, and chest darts to the medical professionals. Even packing gauze when removed will tear out clotting, or even irritate the wound area. 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About American History, 2,200 cases of tampon-related toxic shock syndrome. Various devices made of dung, acacia juice, goosefat, and opium (used in different mixes) were wrapped in lint or linen and used for gynecological problems and even contraception. I too am a Sam Huston trained medic, 5th Grp SF. In the Napoleonic Wars, the most used firearm in that conflict was the Charleville a smoothbore musket of .69, .70, or even.71 caliber. 2. Carrying advanced lifesaving equipment that you are only marginally trained to use could potentially strengthen an attorneys legal argument. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the next recorded tampons were still used primarily for medical use. When shtf your gonna use what you have. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He said the wound was pretty clean, but it was deep. Wont even finish the rest.not worth MY time. It was issued to every Marine as part of his 782 gear. Here's a list of items you can just toss out from your bullet-plugging gunshot wound medical kit: Tampon. SO while I had as much available medical supplies on hand as I could possibly pack into the backcountry. It was nearly 50 miles away! This fluid is not pressurized like arterial blood is throughout the body. Myth: busted. Very different kind of bleeding, too. They may follow bone structure, or ricochet. Required fields are marked *. A search of peer-reviewed medical literature will fail to provide you with any data whatsoever on tampon use. The theory is that tampons soak up blood so they should be good for hemorrhage control. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Even ER doctors misdiagnose tension pneumothorax about 30% of the time, so if your medical training consists of a few basic certifications like first aid, WFR, WEMT, and maybe a couple of tactical trauma classes, you could end up doing more harm than good with a chest dart or performing a cricothyrotomy. We examined the evolution of the medical application of tampons, uncovering the surprising history of these products and exploring their innovative use in treating gunshot injuries. Soldiers tell each other things like "use tampons to fill bullet wounds" as a way to slightly bolster morale in a bad situation. Esser-Mittag sold her invention to a company that was eventually bought by Johnson & Johnson, and the modern no-applicator tampon became a force to be reckoned with. "Inventive GIs Make Do in the Desert." At this point I asked him, "Well what did you do with the rest of the tampons?" These sorts of concerns have taken tampons into the home-made sector. This is the last (and possibly most pertinent point) as to why a tampon wont work when treating a GSW at best it will simply stretch the skin of the entrance wound and plug it creating a hidden cavity that will simply pool blood removing it from circulation. If you are interested in becoming a member to Personal Defense Network, please click on the special offer below: "Well, yeah!" NOPE you have not. The only reason I would stuff a tampon in someone is if I shot them and was trying to extract intel out of them. The surgeon at the hospital does not stock tampons because he has almost unlimited space. Sleeping in a bra will not make a girls breasts perkier or prevent them from getting saggy. The first time women had to creatively manage their periods was in the First World War, when nurses created both pads and tampons so they could continue working effectively. Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. The severity of the trauma caused internally, the cavitation, is often hidden, especially if there is no exit wound. You can buy two Olaes bandages for under $15, and two Israeli bandages for under $10. This does not mean it is in circulation. It DOES stop the bleeding. Either of these signs, and you have messed up at some step(probably didnt pack in the right place, or didnt maintain continual hard pressure). Tampons are made to soak up blood, after all. You cover the tub tampons but NOT the Pads. This article gives us CERTs great information. Tampons have been around for centuries and were originally used for healing. They're also often processed using some fairly body-damaging chemicals (like chlorine), so new frontiers need to be pushed to make them eco-friendly and safe. You might have some smarts but you lost it here. Heavy flow is not massive hemorrhage: Tampons dont belong in IFAKs. These arent going to break anyones bank account. That was the extent of the IFAK for WWII and Korea. 18th century: The tampon was used as a medical device. There are other methods of packing a wound: all of them are similar in effect. Having been through TCCC, and responded to 5 real world mass casualty situations, from my experience they work and should be considered as an option. The use of tampons to treat gunshot wounds quickly spread throughout the medical community and is still used today. And if you were to quickly spray the tampon with a broad spectrum antibiotic before packing it into a bullet wound, would this not help mitigate at least some of the potential infection that might accompany the use of a non-sterile wound dressing? It is the pressure that stops bleedings, and there are additional mechanical and pharmaceutical tools that aid this. Reasd every word, I went with the Israeli bandage. Yes, tampons can get stuck but don't panic! 2. He said they were administering first aid but couldn't get the bleeding to slow down, and someone said, "Hey use Marine X's tampons". Este interesant. You could even get sued if you treat a patient beyond your level of training. So take it with a grain of salt. Tampons are no substitute for PPT: packing, pressure and tourniquets. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Im still haunted by the memories of seeing one Medevac helicopter after another land at the nearest pads for our ambulances to go out and meet the choppers. But even if they have, that doesnt mean they are what you should reach for in an emergency. Wisconsin Historical Society, WHS-49898. Bleeding stops by pressure in most cases, a tampon expands when blood hits it. So, lets compare a tampon to a trauma dressing. Home and travel first aid kit should carry these types of wound care products. you only got so much blood, before you go hypotensive. I know someone that told me he is alive today because his buddies girl stuck one in him after he got shot. Pessaries made of elephant or crocodile dung, or of lint soaked in acacia juice, were both used as contraception devices over the history of ancient Egypt, and the Romans got in on the act too, with so-called "destructive pessaries". They were, in essence, vaginal pessaries. Three balls in total will be packed in this manner. It was often administered in the form of what doctors referred to as a tampon a medical device invented in the 18th century primarily as an antiseptic to clog up bullet wounds. Note how they are packaged and able to be stored in a range bag, not just on a shelf in a hospital closet. The tampons of today face all-new challenges. One was a close quarters ak47 to the side from maybe 10 away. Claim: Tampon used to stanch deadly wound saves Marine's life. However, as long as the package is still shrink wrapped and airtight it should still be sterile. The are setrile. My son said they had to go on a mission and Marine X wanted the chapstick and lotion for the trip. If the king had gas, he got treated before a conscript who was bleeding to death. The use of tampons as a medical treatment has also allowed doctors to treat more patients in the field. Kim: Your expertise to state that tampons are sterile is? Gunshots do create large wound tracks so it might not be the best answer but put a few together and that might work fine, all dependent on the wound. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Thanks for the input. Hornadyexplains it well: In essence, a bullet going through soft tissue has the same effect as dropping a stone into a pail of water. Theyre made of cotton, arent they? A handful of tongue depressors were not used just for looking down someones throat. Its also best to use the lowest absorbency necessary. That this could be another way to treat pelvic infections did not escape the Egyptians, or the Romans who adopted some of their practices. It's now pretty commonplace that certain women in. If you have the choice, use the right tool for the job. You would think pads would be, but upon closer inspection, they are not. The entrance wound is typically where the fabled tampon is supposed to be inserted to assist with stopping bleeding. YOU have to USE whatever is immediately available before someone begins to bleed out and die in the backcountry! Tampons are not designed to stop bleeding but rather to absorb and catch menstrual blood stopping it from leaking out during a menstruating womens daily activities. Pressure dressings like the Olaes from Tactical Medical Solutions are packaged for field-like environments. He said a Marine in the convoy was shot. Tampons do not stop bleeding. Slowly but surely, tampon manufacturers got back on their feet, rebranded, and continuously assured customers that their products were safe and FDA-approved. A descendant of pioneers, Cache was raised in the tradition of self-reliance and grew up working archaeological digs in the desert Southwest, hiking the Swiss Alps and Scottish highlands and building the Boy Scout Program in Portugal. My son said they had the most fun with Marine X's package. And, again, it's not for menstrual purposes: it's for stopping baby-making. In ancient Japan, they created tampons out of paper, in Hawaii, they used ferns, in Indonesia vegetable fibers and in Africa rolls of grass. RangerRick nailed it. Thanks for the article. A student stocks a bathroom with free pads and tampons at a high school in Falls Church, Va., in 2019 . Survival Trauma Kits: IFAK, GSW Kit, Blowout Kit What Should Be in How to Treat the Most Common Burn Injuries, Back to History: Top 9 Civil War Survival Recipes, Potassium Permanganate: Why I Still Carry this Old School Chemical, 8+ Places To Avoid Like The Plague When SHTF, Top 6 Survival Rifles And Why You Need One. If the packing is holding (no pooling or seeping), then replace the regular gauze and wrap it TIGHTLY with some variety of elastic bandage. It collects the bleeding . Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Hearsay is not evidence. It sounds like what started as truth got modified or adulterated a little each time it was retold until some of the stories circulating today bear little resemblance to the original. Just using a tampon alone may not work and may require pressure and additional gauze, however this can be said about almost any piece of medical kit. This means you would have to cause further damage just to shove it in the hole to plug it it doesnt make sense. That way the tampon should slip in easier. I seen them used a couple times on my second tour to Iraq in 2004. The simple why not [from 2 of my doctor friends (one of whom is an avid shooter)]. In his treatise Illustrations And Proofs Of The Principle Of Population, published in 1822 the English thinker Francis Place advocated a tampon for contraception, in the same vein as a sponge. Tampons have been used by U.S. Army medics as emergency wound care dressings: This particular story about a wounded Marine saved by a tampon included in a misdirected care package from home is factual. if I had time I would have grabbed off the shelf diagnostics like BP meters do to it being a shooting chances are the Ambo would be in a staging area till the cops could clear the scene. Usually fired a little round musket ball (to reduce powder fouling) of around .65 caliber from a paper cartridge at 1,000 to 1,100 feet per second. Until you can get to a medical facility at least. The swelling of said gauze applies additional direct pressure to the various capillaries, veins, artery, etc. Only it wasnt just the king. Thank you again. The Tampon The name loosely translates as plug. French physicians began using battlefield dressing based on the design of the article of female hygiene. Another case of "possibly, maybe" in tampon history comes from blood moss, a European plant with pretty unique astringent and blood-stoppering qualities. . Yes! while you do want to stop the bleeding, the bleeding itself does help irrigate the wound channel of smaller debris and contaminates. And I USE too provide EMT service in my brothers hunting camps in the high mountain country of New Mexico and Colorado. If something was being put up the vagina (say, soaked in opium), Hippocrates did say it should be covered on motos, but there's no mention of using it to stop menstrual bleeding. Im not sure if you are aware the military actually has invested in an a tactical approach using the same technology as the tampon (slight variance as the Militarys applicator uses beads of the same material instead of a large swab). Call a doctor if you think you may have toxic shock syndrome. Symptoms and signs of TSS may include a sudden fever (usually 102F or more), vomiting, diarrhea, fainting or feeling like you are going to faint when standing up, dizziness, or a rash that looks like a sunburn. He wasn't picky about what it should be made of, though. This is the theme of this article. The Papyrus Ebers, the world's oldest printed medical document, describes the use of papyrus tampons by Egyptian women as early as the 15th century BCE

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were tampons invented for bullet wounds

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