In this excerpt, Lincoln uses brevity to create a dramatic impact. Prepare the journal entry for the admission of Hill on January 1, 20X8. This he does by kissing her. Closing with a purpose say I love thee not", A Note on the Pronunciation of Early Modern English, Read the Study Guide for Shakespeares Sonnets, Colonial Beauty in Sidney's "Astrophil and Stella" and Shaksespeare's Sonnets, Beauty, As Expressed By Shakespeare's Sonnet 18, From Autumn to Ash: Shakespeare's Sonnet 73, Dark Beauties in Shakespeare's Sonnets and Sidney's "Astrophil and Stella", Human Discrepancy: Mortality and Money in Sonnet 146, View our essays for Shakespeares Sonnets, View the lesson plan for Shakespeares Sonnets, Read the E-Text for Shakespeares Sonnets, View Wikipedia Entries for Shakespeares Sonnets. O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. Much to the professor's surprise, the speech is about friends who engage in sexual behavior. In law, what pleirso tainted and corrupt, but, being seasond with a gracious voice, obscures the show of evil : Bassanio reflects that a dishonest case in law may be made to appear just, by the eloquence of a clever lawyer. Question 2. Bassanio heartily welcomes the suggestion and grants Gratianos request provided he can find a wife. Nerissa and the rest, stand away; Let music sound while he makes his choice; Then, if he loses, he will die as a swan, Fading in music: so that the comparison May be extended, my eyes shall be the stream And watery deathbed for him. Lines 1- 4. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, questions and answers for nuts for skeptics to crack, It was Mark's first day of school in a new town. Question 5. Or they appear to be moving because they are reflected in his eyes. All the wealth that he had ran in his veins. Answer: Bassanio finds the portrait of Portia in the leaden casket. Answer: The speaker's state of mind here is to request the nightingale to leave it free so that it can shine and spread light in the dark. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. What is your assessment of Portia? Answer: It can be approved by the authority of a holy quotation. But the full sum of me Is the sum of something which, in general, is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticed; Happy in this state, she is not too old To learn; Account : estimation, livings : property; possessions, exceed account : surpass all reckoning, but the full sum of me, is sum of nothing : but the sum total of all my virtues amounts actually to nothing at all. Answer: She transfers ail these things to Bassanio with a ring. Or it will be like the sweet sound of the dawn that steals into the ears of the sleeping bridegroom. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? What is Portias anxiety? Here are parted lips, with sugar breath; so sweet a bar Should tear such sweet friends apart. life's simple pleasures. Bassanio and Portia have expressed their love and commitment to each other. Midas was very avaricious and asked that whatever he touched might turn to gold. Answer: She instructs Nerissa and others to stand apart. II, I, 35. bleared visages : tear-stained faces, issue of the exploit : the result of his achievement. It is only after the result of Bassanios choice is known that Gratiano discloses the agreement he and Nerissa had reached regarding their own marriage. However, ultimately Antonio is rescued from the Jews clutches by Portias ingenuity. that they were black, poor, and different from white people; enlightenment; lost innocence and learned inequalities of life at school and learned to compare herself. Define Miss Choomby and company. He is not wealthy (52), he is very spiritual (55). Analysis. Answer: Portia says that if Bassanio chooses wrongly he will have to leave Belmont at once. The fact that the lark rises from the "sullen earth" at "break of day" implies that the day is much happier than the night; day break is compared to the dawning of a thought of the beloved. The professor agrees, thinking the topic will be on the benefits of fri Such is the nature of his would-be-wife (Portia) that in all humility she places herself as well as all her wealth at the disposal of this young man, who was a pauper before coming to her and who will be rich like a lord after marriage. How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, still wear the beards of Hercules and frowning Mars on their chins, Who, if searched inside, would have livers as white as milk; And the only thing these men do to look fear fulls to put on velvet clothes Look on beauty And you shall see its bought by the pound: Which works a miracle in nature, Making them who wear most of it look the lightest. He was happy to have a new friend.QuestionWhat is the meaning of "Your cheeks are like roses" as it is used in the passage?Answer options with 4 options1. Passage 3 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 73-91). lord : used as owner without regard to sex. Not affiliated with Harvard College. I come off to the side, to give and to receive. What is the sin referred to in the extract? Then he found that when he attempted to eat, his food was at once turned to gold. Answer: Others present on the scene are Portia and Nerissa. See answers Advertisement rebecca6853 When I'm having bad luck and am looked down upon by other people, I cry alone in self-pity, "And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, / And look upon myself, and curse my fate,". The speaker begins by declaring that it was a blessing, a free act of God's compassion that brought her out of Africa, a pagan land. because there might be multiple answers and they had to figure out those answers themselves. Sonnet 73 takes up one of the most pressing issues of the first 126 sonnets, the speaker's anxieties regarding what he perceives to be his advanced age, and develops the theme through a sequence of metaphors each implying something different. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? give it away, Let it predict the ruin of your love J And be my opportunity to cry out against you! Some divine power gave him the power of turning whatever he touched into gold. People on a boat are happy to be returning home from . I view the fight with much, much more sadness than you that are fighting. What is the situation? Mark's cheeks are soft. How can an error in religion be approved? Moreover, there is the case of beautiful hair, which is often an artificial wig which has been purchased. Answer: Bassanio thinks that women use beauty aids or cosmetics to look beautiful. Answer: The passage tells us that some damage has been done to Antonio, His ships at sea are supposed to have been ruined. these naughty times put bars between the owners and their rights : the evil times we live in put obstacles between men and their rightful property. Portia refers to the compulsory choice between the caskets, as a barrier to be surmounted before Bassanio can possess himself of what is already his own by right, herself. His request was granted. Why does she want to be so? What does Portia tell to Bassanio? Hard food for Midas : Midas was an ancient king who was allowed to ask a certain favour from the gods. How to choose right, but then Im breaking my. Question 1. My Captain!". What does I am forsworn mean? Let's be friends. Bassanio turns to Portia to give and receive love. What does Portia claim to be. Explanation: In the poem "O Captain! He may win; And what is music then? The money-lender has imposed a dreadful condition that if the money is not repaid within three months, he would have the right to cut of a pound of flesh from any part of Antonios body. In short, to neglect an opportunity is against his nature as it is against Bassanios nature. Answer: Portia could very easily teach Bassanio how to choose the right casket. Shakespeare's main message is that which will fade in life (beauty) can be immortalized in verse. his poetry will live forever. To emphasize the speakers point. Abraham Lincoln has tragically died. Why does the speaker repeat the refrain "life doesn't frighten me at all"? What is the speaker referring to? Bassanio says that the portrait is so near to being alive that the artist has almost created life.or whether, riding on the balls of mine, seem they in motion : or is it the fact that their image is taken up by my own eyeballs, which seem to impart motion to them? Passage 13 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 270-289). Jack and Jill are owners of UpAHill, an S corporation. My Captain!". The partners allocated the net income for 20X7 and closed the accounts. The progress made by the soldiers has more impact than words. This is done in accordance with the instructions given in the scroll. This poem is an extended metaphor, in which the Captain represents the President's Lincoln death, and the safe . What literary elements are used in Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee"? What are Bassanios observations about the eyes of Portia in the picture? Answer: But for the sake of Bassanio, she wishes to be many times richer than what she is so that he might love her and prize her highly. But she is bound to honour the will of her father. Explain why Bassanio rejects the gold casket. 7. (We also included all House speakers, even if they didn't have an analyzable voting record. The idea of cursing one's fate also hearkens to Job, who cursed himself after falling out of God's favor. Question 5. April 25, 2023. In this excerpt, Lincoln uses brevity to create a dramatic impact. Why is the speaker doubtful whether what he sees is true? Answer: She wants to love him dearly because she has paid heavy price for him. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of various sonnets by William Shakespeare. My Captain!." Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. [CDATA[ Heres the scroll, The world and summary of my luck. You that choose not by looks, Gamble as fair and choose as true! Question 2. Question 2. PORTIA : You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, Such as I am: though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish To wish myself much better luck. The speaker finds himself envying what others have, and in lines 5-9 he sees almost everyone as having something he lacks. Shakespeare's Sonnets study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Answer: Bassanio thinks that the golden locks of the women are others property. How does he compare the words written in the letter? \\ Shylock succeeds in making Antonio feel miserable because of his demand for a pound of Antonios flesh. Question 6. My maid Nerissa and I will live as maids and widows In the meantime. The partnership's inventory at December 31 ,20X7, was $20,000. If he had the present money : if he had the money at the present time, confound : ruin; reduce to beggary, plies : continues to approach; presses, and doth impeach the freedom of the state : to impeach in legal language, meant to bring an accusation against. Shylock brings the charge that Venice is denying him his legal rights, and therefore is violating the free rights which foreigners were supposed to enjoy, magnificoes of greatest : port, the greatest nobles of Venice were termed Magnifici, the Hoble-minded or magnificent ones Of greatest port may be rendered as of the most noble carriage, when I was with him, I have heard him swear : this is an indication of the passage of time showing that Jessica is speaking of things by no means recent. This also indirectly has given Gratiano his wife in Nerissa. Marking Scheme -2018 46 Appreciation of English Literary Texts Part 11. Why does Portia think herself fortunate? She is no longer a mistress of herself. Which rhetorical appeal do both excerpts use? Question 4. Happier than this : and a happier circumstance than that is etc. Question 6. (c) What is the speaker's state of mind here? Question 2. What did Bassanio say about his wealth when he first told Portia of his love? Bassanio/ has the wisdom and good luck to choose the leaden casket which contained Portias portrait. The partnership also assumed this note payable. a. Question 1. Question 1. The author talks about the victory when he asks for the captain to "hear the bells", which is most likely a reference to . Celine's professor did not realize that Celine was using a(n) ______________ to make the topic sounds less explicit. Answer: Bassanio chooses the lead casket with its unassuming appearance which does not make attractive promises. Now he goes, With no less confidence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides went to redeem The sacrifice of young women made by howling Troy To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice; The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With tear-stained faces coming out to view The outcome of the event. Passage 2 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 40-62). Shylock, according to SALARINO, is a greedy and revengeful man who wants to destroy Antonio. Interest expense incurred on the installment note was$2,000, all of which was paid by December 31, 20X7. Bassanio gets portia as his wife. Portia has presented a ring to Bassanio, extracting a promise from him that he will not lose it. Question 4. Who is the owner of her estates now? GradeSaver, 19 October 2005 Web. Her picture is shut in one of these caskets. In what way does Portia show that she is more fond of Bassanio than the other two suitors who had attempted the choice of caskets. rise up and hear the bells;Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills;For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding;For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; What is the speaker referring to in these lines? From her cautious confessions and nervous style, we can surely conclude that she is passionately in love with the handsome suitor. What, not one hit : What! If she discloses the secret, it would mean the breach of faith and the breaking of an oath. The partnership of Jordan and O'Neal began business on January 1, 20X7. My Captain!" As a token of this expression he kisses his lady love and expects a kiss from her. How, and what risk Antonio helped Bassanio and at what risk? What feelings does the speaker express in lines 49- 57 about his everyday life. Go, Hercules : she fancifully addresses Bassanio as her Hercules. Explain clearly the points of comparison. Passage 8 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 140-148). Question 1. Who is the speaker of these lines? Alcides : another name for Hercules; Cp. Bassanio fell in love with the lady while Gratiano lost his heart to Nerissa. How did the fortune of two persons stand on the caskets there? At December 31, 20X7, customers owed the partnership$21,000. Question 3. What have you learned about the literature of civil rights by reading these poems? What do Portia and Nerissa plan to do in the absence of Bassanio? What is the sweet bar between the lips of Portia. 3. They own 25 and 75 percent, respectively. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? Question 3. She wishes to detain him there for a month or two before allowing him to take the final plunge. The simile of a lark is developed in lines 10-12, when the speaker describes the effect that a thought of his love has on his "state," or emotional well-being. by making a clear point that the country was founded upon equality for all. Is she really an unlessoned girl? Question 4. Because you shall go away on your wedding day, Bid your friends welcome, show a happy face; Since you are bought so dearly, Ill love you dearly. But it also refers to a nation, or a kingdom. Here, "state" refers to a state of being, and in this case, he is cast out from society. Portia heart was troubled by mixed emotions. Answer: SALARINO depicts Shylock as a villain who is determined to demand a pound of Antonios flesh because Antonio has forfeited the bond. What, not one came in? She was glad to find that they made the wrong choice. my Captain! Question 6. GRATIANO : I thank you sir, you have gotten me one. Answer: Portias words belie her real worth and yet they reveal her character. it was hard for blacks to fight for their rights by peace and talk than violence and hatred; when you address the issue it becomes the beginning of change, For My People by Margaret Walker, Incident by, Letter From Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Lut. Question 5. By note : according to this instruction, contending in a prize : the simile is that of two wrestlers, or similar athletes, competing for a prize. \text{Cash} & \$\hspace{7pt}60,000 & \$\hspace{7pt}50,000 \\ Their failure was her satisfaction. Answer: Portias eyes were so magical that the painter should have become blind after the painting only of the eyes. ke roses,end underline,. But the full sum of me Is the sum of something which, in general, Is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticed; Happy in this state, she is not too old To learn; happier than this state, She is not bom so dull that she cannot learn; Happiest of all is that her gentle spirit Commits itself to you to be directed, As by her lord, her governor, her king. 2. Question 2. 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Why does Bassanio reject gaudy gold? Like one of two contenders for a prize, That thinks he has done well in peoples eyes, Hearing applause and universal shout, Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a. doubt Whether those peals of praise are his or not; So, three times beautiful lady, I stand I, even like this, As doubtful of whether what I see is true, Until it is confirmed, signed, and ratified by you. Still, for you, I would be three times twenty times myself, A thousand times more beautiful, ten thousand times More rich; If only to stand high in your account, I might exceed making a count of virtues, beauties, Livings, friends. Abraham Lincoln has tragically died. Define blundering. If you are well pleased with this, And hold your fortune for your bliss, Turn to where your lady is And claim her with a loving kiss.. He is the lord of all. Total partnership capital after Hill was admitted totaled $450,000. \end{array} Question 6. The speakers of both poems (Grasshopper & Solitude) show an appreciation for. That created an opening for Albany Democrats to use their legislative supermajorities to approve congressional and state Senate lines . ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions, //. Question 1. d. metaphorical clich, This section may include dates, deadlines, or a summary. Those women who make a very good use of cosmetics look superficial although outwardly they may look beautiful. If he really loves her, he will find it. Come, lets go! Mark has a nice smile.3. In line 7, he envies the artistic talent of one man, and the opportunities afforded someone else. What is the speaker referring to? Answer: Midas was a king who got the power of turning whatever he touched, into gold. Mark this and return Save and Exit Next Submit See answers Advertisement az73665 a. Sales on account amounted to $155,000. Produced by Carlos Prieto , Nina Feldman , Rob Szypko , Stella Tan and Alex Stern. "Mark nodded and looked down at his feet. What is meant by ornament in the passage? Question 3. restrain. Answer: Gratiano had been quick in wooing the maid while his master was busy in going through the fonnalities of choosing the casket. for people to continue the unfinished work of the soldiers. The idea here is that of a beautiful cloth covering the thick lips and flat nose of a negress, a fair outward appearance concealing ugliness, seeming truth : a false appearance of truth, hard food for Midas : Midas was an ancient king who was allowed to ask a certain favour from the gods. Answer: Portia admits that she is as a whole nothing better than an ignorant girl having no training or experience of life. As a result, even the food, which he touched, changed into gold, thus making it impossible to eat. $23.18+$14.86+$55.18\$23.18 + \$14.86 + \$55.18$23.18+$14.86+$55.18, b. He walked into his new classroom.A girl came up to him and said, ",begin underline,Your cheeks are li Answer: He rejects gold on the ground that it could not serve as food in the case of Midas. This time has lengthened to a month or two. Bassanio refers in the text to his being in a giddy spirit after having performed what looks like a miracle.

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