Group of answer choices. Janelle is training an AI-powered model car to stay on an oval track drawn on the floor. Quantum advantage will not be achieved with hardware alone. They provide a central point for cables in a network. One is that it can be expensive to implement. What technology was used to compare the purchase to Rhea's normal shopping habits and identify it as credit card fraud? Device driver or operating system, Vocabulary-Unit 13-Travel Planning, Loading T, Unit 10: Adverse Driving Conditions and Emerg, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. The car drives in different directions and is scored by the training algorithm based on how closely the car stays on the track. True or false, You can use a cloud server to back up your data But it can perform an important trick: placing the quantum information it holds into a state of superposition, which represents a combination of all possible configurations of the qubit. The constant state of partial contraction of muscles is called: (a.) What technology enables the plagiarism checker to keep improving its detection of poorly paraphrased text? (532809), Terrance needs to set up a Windows server in his company's public cloud. What is quantum computing? They allow for increased speed and efficiency in processing, as well as the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously without slowing down the system. The BLS also projects 10% job growth from 2019 to 2029, which is higher than the average growth rate projected for all positions. While some career paths develop faster than others, in general the field of computer engineering is strong and offers many compelling career options. Many chatbot services provide support to employees and management rather than to customers. GPUs are designed to rapidly process large amounts of data, and they are used in a variety of applications, including video games, scientific research, and artificial intelligence. Meghan signs into Zoom to attend a video call for her online class. They are then tasked with thoroughly testing and refining their solutions as needed. What kind of cloud service is she using? It is predicated on the notion that computers can learn from data, spot patterns, and make judgments with little assistance from humans. software applications. Phishing emails are disguised as emails from a trusted source and sent by hackers; they deceive the recipient by getting them to reveal personal or financial information. Inhaltsverzeichnis Show Which of the following websites can she use to find this information? What kind of site might best help Hayley achieve this goal? Quantitative Reasoning Chapters 1 2 and 3. At its simplest form, artificial intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. What improvement to the website will best help to solve this problem so customers know better what to expect when they buy items from his website? The text asks her to confirm whether she made a purchase 15 minutes ago at a store that is over 2,000 miles away from her current location and that carries products she has never bought before. What are the benefits of this technology? Lionel works for a company that is trying to reduce travel time for their employees and allow more people to work from home. When scientists and engineers encounter difficult problems, they turn to supercomputers. Missy's retail website suddenly starts getting a lot of traffic and orders due to a video that went viral on social media. Sabrina pulls items from a box and inspects them to ensure the number of items matches what is listed on the packing list. Build programs that solve problems in new ways on IBM Quantum systemsthe most popular and powerful quantum hardware in the world. Which marketing technique is Nadine benefiting from? Ready for larger workloads? This refers to the ability of a single chip to contain more than one processing unit, or "core." In other words, a multi-core processor is essentially several processors in one. Lionel works for a company that is trying to reduce travel time for their employees and allow more people to work from home. How much was Southeasts cash balance at the end of 2018? 36 Q Because he processes less than a dozen credit card payments per year, he does not need to worry about PCI compliance requirements for handling his customers' payment information. What steps should he take today to prepare for the interview? , irst isa) strcpy. Cloud computing and the Internet are two different technologies. If you do not know how to code or design a website from scratch, then which of the following could you do instead? When classical computers fail, it's often due to complexity. Who should he contact to resolve the problem? Speech recognition technology allows computers to take spoken audio, interpret it and generate text from it. However, he wants the radio to turn on and off at different times so it appears that someone is interacting with it. . Thanks to Moores Law, the processing power available to consumers has increased dramatically, while the cost has fallen just as precipitously. If the spring is compressed solid, would the spring return to its original free length when the force is removed? Which of the following is the largest unit of storage? (532774), Layton is retired and sells hand-crafted fishing rods as a home-based business for a little extra spending money. The spring is wound with D=25 mm, d=5 mm, and a pitch (distance between corresponding points of adjacent coils) of 7mm7 \mathrm{~mm}7mm. There are three technologies commonly used for general-purpose ports: Thunderbolt, FireWire, and ______. This requires a high level of technical competence, including familiarity with software, hardware, and networking components. This means that it can execute multiple instructions at the same time. (532800), What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Why is a cable modem classified as a digital model? The most obvious example of the work of computer engineers is computer companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, and Dell. It is predicted that the number of jobs in this area will grow by 2% from 2019 to 2029, which is slightly slower. The best way to hone your computer engineering skills is through formal education, which may include a degree in electrical engineering or a related field. Access the application through his laptop's browser. He wants to post his stories online to increase his exposure and hopefully get a writing contract with a publisher. He uses a cloud-based _________ service so he can access updated information about his customers sales transactions from his laptop as he travels. A qubit itself isn't very useful. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. Of this amount, Southeast collected cash for$876 million. Which of the following is a key aspect of database security according to the CIA triad security model? In other words, computer hardware engineers are responsible for building the physical parts that make computers work the way theyre supposed to. (532775), Which of the following is NOT a leading provider of PaaS and IaaS services? What technology minimized Ian's wait time? Also in 2018, Southeast paid $410 million for its inventory and$250 million for everything else. One of Richard's duties in his new job is to be active on LinkedIn and other professional social networks. Groups of qubits in superposition can create complex, multidimensional computational spaces. Which of the following is NOT a leading provider of PaaS and IaaS services? Specifically, the job description of a software developer is to research, develop, implement, and manage new software applications. The ride is waiting for him by the time he arrives in the lobby. In his small business, Adrian wants to use his laptop to place and receive phone calls. Enterprise software is a type of application that addresses an organization's needs, rather than an individual. She's always looking for new sources of quality information. Conducting a staff meeting online so employees from around the globe can join the discussion is an example of. When describing a client/server network, which of the following would be considered a client? What technology allows Siri to understand you when you request a route to a location in a nearby city? If a supercomputer gets stumped, that's probably because the big classical machine was asked to solve a problem with a high degree of complexity. How does a wireless network key work with an encrypted wireless network? The function that accepts pointers to two C-strings and an integer argument that indicates how many characters to copy from the second string to the f A database backup can include information on who made what changes and when since the previous database backup. For example, even simple household appliances contain temperature sensors that protect them from overheating. Which of the following email addresses would be the best fit for a business consultant? Tazneen works for a manufacturing company that just set up a messaging platform for employees. The car drives in different directions and is scored by the training algorithm based on how closely the car stays on the track. How does Facebook know this information? Qiskit Runtime provides an execution environment for weaving together quantum circuits with classical processing, natively accelerating the execution of certain quantum programs. Finally, because computer science relies heavily on databases and algorithms, computer engineers need a strong background in mathematics. How can she connect her lock to the Internet so she can control the lock when she's away from home? When microprocessors are integrated into a device or device, the amount of computing power required to operate the device is greatly reduced. Achieving quantum advantage will require new methods of suppressing errors, increasing speed, and orchestrating quantum and classical resources. She's put a lot of time into this research paper. Qiskit Runtime enables users to deploy custom quantum-classical applications with easy access to HPC hybrid computations on the highest performing quantum systems in the world. Right now, IBM Quantum leads the world in quantum computing hardware and software. Terrance needs to set up a Windows server in his company's public cloud. Niche positions, such as security engineering or network development, may require an even narrower and more specific skill set. What does this technology allow computers to do? As computer engineers combine these fields, they can increase the usefulness and efficiency of computers by improving software, systems, and networks, and by improving the computer hardware itself. Cloud consumers most commonly interact with Software as a Service (SaaS), which is software that is distributed online. Rhea receives a text informing her that her credit card might have been compromised. She then places all the items on a conveyor belt to be transported to workers who stock shelves in the warehouse. 8. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A classical processor uses bits to perform its operations. A microprocessor is a very small electronic device that contains the arithmetic, logic, and control units needed to perform all the basic functions of a computers central processing unit. Celeste is preparing to lead a training session during a webinar. What can you do to make sure your online communications are civil and productive? Here are some examples: Computer engineers often play an integral role in the development of various technologies. What kind of cloud service will work best for this situation? Ann or pci ANN In which phase of software development cycle do you acquire the necessary hardware and programming languages for the project Design or planning Design How would you design a webinar that would be interactive? What kind of cloud service can Lionel use to attend meetings with his remote coworkers? Social networking includes the following positive effects EXCEPT. A typical computer engineering curriculum will cover a number of important concepts including computational and systematic. Special-purpose computers refer to computers that are built to perform specific tasks, such as automatic teller machines or washing machines. For each of these positions, a number of factors can influence a specific computer engineer salary. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? She then places all the items on a conveyor belt to be transported to workers who stock shelves in the warehouse. Explain how does a POS terminal determine the price of an item? Speech is simply a series of sound waves created by our vocal chords when they cause air to vibrate around them. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. A photo of you horseback riding on the beach with friends, In which of the following messages would the abbreviation brb NOT be appropriate, Melissa is an amateur photographer and plans to post her best photos on a media-sharing network. True or false, Development is the process of creating programs and apps from the idea stage to distribution to users Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware -- a tool scientists only began to imagine three decades ago -- available to hundreds of thousands of developers. What kind of cloud service will work best for this situation? , 1 #include 2 #include 3 using namespace std; 4 GPUs are specialized chips that are designed to handle the large amount of data that is required for these types of tasks. For those interested in pursuing a career in computer engineering, there are several topics to consider: educational requirements, core skills, and the expected salary associated with a computer engineering degree. Some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, while other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. A printed circuit board is a thin board on which an electrical circuit is printed. Why might a blogger choose to post on a blogging network instead of posting on the blogger's own website? Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence that uses statistical techniques to enable computers to learn and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. A . Then Brian remembers his employer also makes the application available to employees through the cloud. How can she make sure she won't lose access to it if something happens to her cloud storage space? How Mobile Technology Is Changing the Practice of Business Communication? Cade uses social media sites to network with customers, coworkers, and other professionals in his industry. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? By firing microwave photons at these qubits, we can control their behavior and get them to hold, change, and read out individual units of quantum information. By having multiple cores with their own caches, the processor can fetch and execute instructions from multiple threads at the same time. You just got back from vacation and are getting ready to post pictures online of all the fun you had. She then places all the items on a conveyor belt to be transported to workers who stock shelves in the warehouse. A video conference always allows participants to see and hear each other.This answer is correct. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Individuals should also be aware of these implications when considering whether to purchase a computer with a multi-core processor. Broadband connections are always-on connections. Alannah just purchased a smart lock for her front door. The role of a computer and information systems manager is to manage and direct all computer-related activities in an organization. In 1965, Gordon Moore, one of the co-founders of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, made a now-famous prediction: the number of transistors per integrated circuit would double approximately every two years. What internal device does a computer use to connect to a wired or a wireless network? Screen reader applications such as JAWS along with specially designed Braille keyboards allow visually challenged students to use the computer. Search for other people on the site she might already know and add them to her friends list, Yuri is preparing for a certification exam in his industry and needs to study. The text asks her to confirm whether she made a purchase 15 minutes ago at a store that is over 2,000 miles away from her current location and that carries products she has never bought before. How Can Changes in Technology Affect the Unemployment Rate. Janelle is training an AI-powered model car to stay on an oval track drawn on the floor. A byte stores: A) one word. The foundations of that work are being laid today in Qiskit Runtime. She then places all the items on a conveyor belt to be transported to workers who stock shelves in the warehouse. 15. What kind of learning model is Janelle's car using? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Meghan signs into Zoom to attend a video call for her online class. Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that gives computers the ability to learn without explicitly being programmed. Some examples include: -Virtual reality The direction in which text is printed on a page is called style. Which of the following storage locations does NOT give you access to your files over the Internet by default? He can remotely collaborate with teammates on projects, deadlines, and events. Quantum algorithms leverage those relationships to find solutions to complex problems. For her purchase, Nadine selects the best deal from two coupon codes offered by a store, one that she received by email and one from a text. 5 int main() { 6 string secret ID; 7 string first Name; 8 string lastName; 9 10 cin >> firstName; 11 cin >> lastName; 12 13 * Your solution goes here / 14 15 cout << secretID << endl; 16 return 0; 17 }, Hello I need help with the following questions: Which of the following photos would be appropriate to post on social media? Learning which of the following software would benefit him the most? What type of service should he use? than the 4% average growth projected for all jobs. He blogs, shares articles, and comments on other people's content as well. Which of the following requests to Alexa is most likely to get the desired result? The sale of these minerals contributes to funding for armed groups, which has led to human rights abuses. Computers and devices successfully communicate on networks regardless of the standards used. Computer engineers need to understand the basic functions of input and output devices, network components, etc. Which of the following social media tools can he use in his organizing efforts? What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? A person who does not own a laptop or smartphone is not a digital citizen and so does not need to be concerned about digital ethics. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. How can she engage the audience and encourage active participation? Here is a typical usage: salary = read_double("Please enter your salary:"); Computers are used for many things. He purchases hardware for the furniture in bulk from a distributor in a nearby state. The technology that allows computers to perform the intense processing necessary for modern security applications is called public key cryptography. This type of cryptography uses a special mathematical algorithm to generate two keys a public key and a private key. Josh is concerned about protecting his home while he's away on vacation. muscle tone (c.) tetanus (d.) muscle hypertrophy. Computer engineering entails the development of software. There are also instruction sets designed for mobile devices, servers, and gaming consoles. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning.

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