An international activity is defined as research, training, and/or education carried out in cooperation with foreign counterparts either overseas or in the U.S. using virtual technologies. Proposers also should enter the country/countries with which project participants will engage and/or travel to attend international conferences. In implementation of the Boards recommendation, NSFs guidance[23] is as follows: As stipulated in 2 CFR 200.1, Voluntary committed cost sharing means cost sharing specifically pledged on a voluntary basis in the proposal's budget or the Federal award on the part of the non-Federal entity and that becomes a binding requirement of Federal award. As such, to be considered voluntary committed cost sharing, the amount must appear on the NSF proposal budget and be specifically identified in the approved NSF budget. RAPID is a type of proposal used when there is a severe urgency with regard to availability of or access to, data, facilities or specialized equipment, including quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic events and similar unanticipated occurrences. This Guide also serves as a means of highlighting the accountability requirements associated with Federal awards. [40] Detailed instructions for submission of proprietary or privileged information are available in Butler asked. [18] A data deposit cost is a one-time charge paid at the time a data set is deposited into a data repository. It depends on the industry you're in. Use of a small font size makes it difficult for reviewers to read the proposal; consequently, the use of small fonts not in compliance with the above guidelines may be grounds for NSF to return the proposal without review. "Military Compensation: Annual Pay Adjustment.". NSFs contribution to the national innovation ecosystem is to provide cutting-edge research under the guidance of the Nations most creative scientists and engineers. NSF will add a term and condition to the award that prevents any research involving human subjects from being carried out, or otherwise restricts the drawing down of funds, until IRB approval has been obtained. Shared support by several Federal agencies, States or private organizations is encouraged. Collaborators and Other Affiliations (see Chapter II.D.h(iii)). These exploratory proposals also may be submitted directly to an NSF program, but the EAGER proposal type should not be used for projects that are appropriate for submission as regular (i.e., non-EAGER) NSF proposals. No prior approval from NSF is necessary unless the rebudgeting would cause the objectives or scope of the project to change. The following time-period conversion chart lists the number of periods per year used by the pay raise calculator. Find out with our pay gap calculator, What the data says about Americans views of climate change, Podcasts as a Source of News and Information, AI in Hiring and Evaluating Workers: What Americans Think, Americans confident in Zelenskyy, but have limited familiarity with some other world leaders, How Public Polling Has Changed in the 21st Century. ", U.S. Department of Defense. For this approval to be accepted by NSF, the organization must have a current Public Health Service (PHS) Approved Assurance. Advance coordination should minimize disruption of the research. You also could befriend coworkers to gather this information, which might take a bit more effort in remote work environments. Patentable ideas, trade secrets, privileged or confidential commercial or financial information, disclosure of which may harm the proposer, should be included in proposals only when such information is necessary to convey an understanding of the proposed project. Sea ice in Antarctica dropped to 1.92 million km 2 on February 25, 2022, the lowest level on record and almost 1 million km 2 below the long-term (1991-2020) mean. In addition to findings about the gender wage gap, this analysis includes information from a Pew Research Center survey about the perceived reasons for the pay gap, as well as the pressures and career goals of U.S. men and women. [41] Detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of collaborative proposals are available in Mentoring activities provided to postdoctoral researchers supported on the project will be evaluated under the Broader Impacts review criterion. Speakers and trainers are not considered participants and should not be included in this section of the budget. Starting in May 2023, Series I bonds will earn a minimum interest rate of 3.39% according to newly released through G.5. Note that the NSF Application Guide may use different naming conventions, and sections may appear in a different order than in, however, the content is the same: The proposal preparation instructions for Planning, RAPID, EAGER, RAISE, GOALI, Ideas Lab, FASED, conference, equipment, travel, center, research infrastructure, and fellowship proposal types may deviate from the above content requirements. Review of GOALI proposals should assess the following aspects in addition to evaluating the Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts of the proposal. that will be secured through a service agreement/contract should be budgeted on line G.6., Other Direct Costs to ensure appropriate allocation of indirect costs. Over the last 20 years, inflation hasn't been a big issue, so the monthly payment hasn't gone up all that much. We'll help you figure out whether your upcoming pay raise is fair and, if not, what you can do about it. For researchers requiring high-throughput computing computing that is characterized by executing large numbers of tasks over a long period of time - The Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh) makes Distributed High Throughput Computing (dHTC) capacity available to researchers through a fabric of services. Bank of England predicted to raise interest rates one more time in RAISE is not intended to be used for projects that can be accommodated within other types of proposals or that continue well established practices. This Special Information and Supplementary Documentation section also is not considered an appendix. Such actions include, but are not limited to: NSF will require senior personnel on potential awards to submit updated Current and Pending Support information prior to award, as well as part of the annual and final reporting process, when applicable. Carlson, 53, was making between $15 million and $20 million a year hosting Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox News staple one-hour long nightly talk show, according to The purpose of the Research Infrastructure Guide is to: (1) provide guidance to NSF staff on conducting appropriate oversight and to recipients in carrying out effective project planning and management; and (2) clearly state the required policies and procedures as well as pertinent good practices for each life-cycle stage. [19] In the rare case of funding to a foreign organization or foreign individual, see Chapter I.E.2 for additional requirements. International Conferences. Chances are, if the calculator is not working at all, you may be missing out on other content on the web due to an outdated or non-conforming web browser. Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. Margins, in all directions, must be at least an inch. Invited full proposals (which are prepared in accordance with standard research proposal formatting guidelines) must be submitted within two months of receiving NSF notification after the Ideas Lab. Proposals that contain letters of support not authorized by the program solicitation may be returned without review. Only internal merit review is required for RAPID proposals. NSFs mission calls for the broadening of opportunities and expanding participation of groups, organizations, and geographic regions that are underrepresented in STEM disciplines, which is essential to the health and vitality of science and engineering. Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. In some instances, Program Officers may elect to obtain external reviews to inform their decision. In some instances, Program Officers may elect to obtain external reviews to inform their decision. *Person-Month(s) (or Partial Person-Months) Per Year Associated with the In-kind Contribution: Enter how much time the individual anticipates is necessary to complete the scope of work associated with the in-kind contribution. In addition to other provisions required by the proposing organization, all contracts made under the NSF award must contain the applicable provisions identified in 2 CFR 200, Appendix II. In the specific case of computing devices, charging as a direct cost is allowable for devices that are essential and allocable, but not solely dedicated, to the performance of the NSF project. Collaborative proposals may be submitted to NSF in one of two methods: as a single proposal, in which a single award is being requested (with subawards administered by the lead organization); or by simultaneous submission of proposals from different organizations, with each organization requesting a separate award. It is important to note that the desired request may not always be the accommodation that is ultimately provided. More information about the system and how researchers can request access can be found on the Frontera website. By comparison, the gender pay gap among workers of all ages that year was 18 cents. On this question, differences by parental status are evident among both men and women. (vi) Certification Regarding Dual Use Research of Concern: The AOR is required to complete a certification that the organization will be or is in compliance with all aspects of the United States Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern. (a) Current and Pending (Other) Support[30] information is used to assess the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed and helps assess any potential scientific and budgetary overlap/duplication, as well as overcommitment with the project being proposed. The NSF process and funding mechanisms for development and implementation of research infrastructure projects depends, in part, on the scale of the project. The information on senior personnel salaries will be used as the basis for determining the salary amounts shown in the budget. If the time commitment is not readily ascertainable, reasonable estimates should be provided. PIs are responsible for obtaining the required authorizations. Percent Increase Calculator - Calculate percentage increase Many of these mechanisms are funded by interested NSF Programs on the basis of merit-reviewed proposals. Dollar Raise Except for the purpose of obtaining goods and services for the proposer's own use which creates a procurement relationship with a contractor, no portion of the proposed activity may be subawarded or transferred to another organization without prior written NSF authorization. (2) building (and any related equipment) is covered by adequate flood insurance. There are five separate categories of information which correspond to the five tables in the COA template: List the individuals last name, first name, middle initial, and organizational affiliation in the last 12 months. Proposal Budget and Budget Justification: A budget and budget justification for the operation, maintenance, and administration of the proposed equipment (Chapter II.D.2.f should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal). No funds may be requested for meals or coffee breaks for intramural meetings of an organization or any of its components, including, but not limited to, laboratories, departments, and centers. All collaborative proposals must clearly describe the roles to be played by the other organizations, specify the managerial arrangements, and explain the advantages of the multi-organizational effort within the Project Description. (iii) If the research is not designated as exempt, and has an approved, unexpired protocol at the time of submission, the IRB approval date should be identified in the space provided. Allowable items ordinarily will be limited to research equipment and apparatus not already available for the conduct of the work. Proposers who feel that the plan cannot fit within the limit of two pages may use part of the 15-page Project Description for additional data management information. for additional information on the administration of equipment awards. The contents and financial data included in indirect cost proposals vary according to the make-up of the proposing organization. The total amount of direct and indirect costs (F&A) (sum of Lines H and I) must be entered on Line J. [13] If the proposal includes use of human subjects, supplemental information is required. See Chapter V for further information. Women are much more likely than men (61% vs. 37%) to say a major reason for the gap is that employers treat women differently. (v) description of any euthanasia methods to be used. Contrary to what you might think, your employer is not continuously scheming for ways to make you work harder for less money. "Let your manager know you are keenly aware that you are getting paid less. The proposal budget sets forth how much money the proposer is requesting, by category, to complete the project. Work in foreign countries. However, inclusion of a subaward or contract in the proposal budget or submission of a request after issuance of an NSF award to add a subaward or contract will document the required organizational determination. Proposers are required to have a policy or code-of-conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment[47], and sexual assault, and that includes clear and accessible means of reporting violations of the policy or code-of-conduct. Supplemental funds for special equipment or assistance to facilitate participation in NSF-supported projects by persons with disabilities may be requested under existing NSF awards. If certification of exemption is provided after submission of the proposal and before the award is issued, the exemption number corresponding to one or more of the exemption categories also must be included in the documentation provided to NSF. It is also NSFs expectation that NSF recipients will use foreign subrecipients applicable U.S. For these proposals, the project title must begin with the words "Collaborative Research: If funded, each organization bears responsibility for a separate award. Enter the number of hours you work per week, regardless of whether you are paid an hourly wage or a salary, and regardless of how often you are paid. XSEDE provides the integrating fabric for a collection of very powerful supercomputers, a high-throughput computing environment, high-volume data storage facilities, and advanced visualization services, connected by a high-bandwidth private network. Additional information on the allowability of consultant or professional service costs is available in 2 CFR 200.459. You can clear this field if you're not comfortable sharing it and/or if the calculator is working properly for you. Participant Support Costs. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. Funding of a Foreign Organization or Foreign Individual (See Chapter I.E.6) If this box is checked, the proposer also must enter the name of the applicable country(ies) in the International Activities Country Name(s) box described below. For proposals that include funding to an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE or to a foreign organization or foreign individual (including through use of a subaward or consultant arrangement), the proposer must provide the requisite explanation/justification in the project description. NSF funds are not permitted to be used to support the industrial research partner except as noted below for small businesses. Email documentation from at least one NSF Program Officer confirming approval to submit a planning proposal must be uploaded by the PI as a document entitled "Planning Program Officer Concurrence Email" in the Supplementary Documentation section of Costs of employees on travel status are limited to those specifically authorized by 2 CFR 200.475. The instructions at the top of the template may be deleted, and rows may be inserted as needed to provide additional names[37]. ), Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (See Chapter II.D.1.d), Proprietary or Privileged Information (See Chapter II.D.1.c and II.E.1), Special Exceptions to the Deadline Date Policy (See Chapter I.F.3), Historic Places (See Chapter II.D.2.i(vii)), Live Vertebrate Animals[12] (See Chapter II.E.4). The names of the PI(s), faculty, and other senior personnel and the estimated number of full-time-equivalent person-months for which NSF funding is requested, and the total amount of salaries requested per year, must be listed. specifies the fields that are required for projects that will be performed at locations other than that of the proposing organization. Pay gaps are a real and systemic problem. A minority business must be: (i) at least 51 percent owned by one or more minority or disadvantaged individuals or, in the case of a publicly owned business, have at least 51 percent of the voting stock owned by one or more minority or disadvantaged individuals; and (ii) one whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more such individuals. The agenda and duration[44] of the Ideas Lab are communicated to meeting participants by the cognizant NSF Program Officer. [9] Proposal Not Accepted is defined as will not permit submission of the proposal by the AOR. For example, if you have a score of 659 and are borrowing 75% of the home's value, you'll pay a fee equal to 1.5% of the loan balance. See also Chapter II.D.2.f(xiii)(a) and 2 CFR 200.438. See Chapter IV.D.2.b. Parents with children younger than 18 in the household are more likely than those who dont have young kids at home (48% vs. 40%) to say a major reason for the pay gap is the choices that women make about how to balance family and work. Thank you! Dollar The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Reference books and periodicals only may be included on the proposal budget if they are specifically allocable to the project being supported by NSF. Although these resources are not considered voluntary committed cost sharing as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, the Foundation does expect that the resources identified in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section will be provided, or made available, should the proposal be funded. Costs related to an NSF-sponsored conference (e.g., venue rental fees, catering costs, supplies, etc.) In either case, the lead organizations proposal must contain all of the requisite sections as a single package to be provided to reviewers (that will happen automatically when procedures below are followed). If it's not filled in, please enter the web address of the calculator as displayed in the location field at the top of the browser window ( The proposal budget may request costs for professional and consultant services. If the proposal is being submitted for consideration by another Federal agency, the abbreviated name(s) of the Federal agency(ies) must be identified in the space provided. The letter should indicate approval of the proposed activities and must be submitted prior to an award being issued. Official websites use .gov Requests for funds for equipment or assistance that compensate in a general way for the disabling condition are not permitted. (See Chapter II.D.1.d(viii) and II.E.9). Among those who are married, working dads are far more likely than working moms (60% vs. 43%) to say they feel a great deal of pressure to support their family financially. An NSF funding opportunity that includes RAPID proposals will provide specific guidance on submission of Concept Outlines using either email or via ProSPCT. These findings dont differ by gender. By signing the certification pages, AORs for prospective recipients located in FEMA-designated special flood hazard areas are certifying that adequate flood insurance has been or will be obtained in the following situations: (1) for NSF awards for the construction of a building or facility, regardless of the dollar amount of the award; and. WebThe Inflation Calculator utilizes historical Consumer Price Index (CPI) data from the U.S. to convert the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar in different years. A collaborative proposal is one in which investigators from two or more organizations wish to collaborate on a unified research project. Tucker Carlson Made As Much As $20 Million A Year At Fox This will aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this type of proposal. WebIf you are paid for 40-hours per week, and 52-weeks per year, a $1 an hour raise will add up to $2,080 extra per year. This generally includes the following types of activities: reports, reprints, page charges or other journal costs (except costs for prior or early publication); necessary illustrations; cleanup, documentation, storage and indexing of data and databases; development, documentation and debugging of software; and storage, preservation, documentation, indexing, etc., of physical specimens, collections, or fabricated items. In September, This section of the proposal is used to assess how well qualified the individual, team, or organization is to conduct the proposed activities. [17] In training activities that involve off-site field work, costs of transportation of participants are allowable. Rental of facilities and necessary equipment. RAISE proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. Provide a list of the senior persons professional preparation (e.g., education and training), listed in reverse chronological order by start date. If the specific location of the international conference is not known at the time of the proposal submission, proposers should enter Worldwide on the Cover Sheet. However, for those projects that require such resources at scales beyond what may be available locally, NSF supports a number of national resources. It is expected, however, that the cost (including equipment adaptation and installation) will not be a major component of the total proposed budget for the project. *Source of Support: Identify the entity(ies) that is/are providing the in-kind contribution. Depending on the facts surrounding the violation, and consistent with due process requirements, NSF may consider a range of actions. are unallowable and may not be requested. Collect data on what your compensation should be and what you're doing to warrant a higher pay rate to help you in your pay raise negotiations. Take a sneak peek at the Ad-Free Design being enjoyed by hundreds of members for less than 25 a week. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to justify a pay raise with your current employer. Raise Annually; Weekly paid hours: Annual paid weeks: Where meals or lodgings are furnished without charge or at a nominal cost (e.g., as part of the registration fee), the per diem or subsistence allowance should be correspondingly reduced. Attendance for some participants will be dependent on the availability of such resources. If salary and person months are not being requested for an individual designated as senior personnel, they should be removed from Section A of the budget. It's NOT your employer. Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE), 5. much of the NSF budget under Other Direct Costs, and any applicable indirect costs should be calculated on the payments in accordance with the organizations Federally negotiated indirect cost rate. Instead, make your intentions known early and often, Butler said, especially in industries such as tech, where the biggest pay raises accompany promotions. Requests for Reasonable and Accessibility Accommodations, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended in 2017, 2. (f) Do not submit any personal information in the Current and Pending (Other) support. Smaller shares point to women making different choices about how to balance work and family (42%) and working in jobs that pay less (34%). The following information regarding collaborators and other affiliations (COA) must be separately provided for each individual identified as senior personnel on the project. Should an award be made, the organizations cost sharing commitment, as specified on the first years approved budget, must be met prior to the award end date. Proposers may include a list of suggested reviewers (including email address and organizational affiliation) who they believe are especially well qualified to review the proposal.

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