Case No. & Personal of what kind soever some part of which I have thought might be necessary to mention mentioned estate according to this true intent and meaning of these presents and I do hereby 2018). 2.Margaret EWING was born on 15 Jul 1776 in South Carolina.She died in 1859 in St. Clair County, Alabama. . Savory v. Cannon, 947 F.3d 409, 412 (7th Cir. Possession and that he doth not know of any other ~, Cecil CountyApril 27th 1778 Then came Thomas Porter and James Carrithers . and Chester counties. Listed below are those cases in which this Featured Case is cited. Her name has not been County Auditor Subject: Retention Benefit Payments Limited Scope Internal Audit #22-02 Date: January 27, 2022 The Office of the County Auditor has completed a limited scope internal audit of the payment of retention benefits for the pay period ended January 21, 2022. Gentile alleged that on-site inspections were part of the job. DuPage County Death Records Search (Illinois) - County Office Mary Porter {3752} was born 1746. questions that have been unanswered for years. A spirit of lawlessness and insubordination seems to have The claims involve the denial of his requests for telework and for leave, and his ensuing termination. Home; About. So instead of going to other people's homes, Gentile stayed home. force in Maryland at that time, it not having been extended thereto, as stated in the judgment of The church record indicates a residence of Elagh Beg for Robert Ewing. o > .E :~$t5Rdbh_ eO5eGEr2~@zI!P}?T:B(I3+79,>)GY|jU2wMkx4\?|v^H_n >fj~ogF{%7!O";o~Ou24awGV/Jr/I* b>?=A?cmrjjPf0rUh@mqQeJV*\pW[L6Chu$JsPVb$\7tQ.gy8Nw^4Tr' 374u)n4e /`C7VuKU,{DkVIhm*'$P)8=\]dHt(~;LE3k 3. See 29 U.S.C. Id. United States District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division. 1). For additional help in finding jobs in DuPage Countyfollow this link to our workNet DuPage Career Center the will of James Porter, he states: "Eightly after the death of my said son George my will is in this family. At the time, 29 December 1770, when Robert Porter, a brother to Andrew, wrote his will Andrew During the year 1783, three persons were convicted of felony, each of whom was. settlement, where he is said to have betrayed himself by the knowledge he exhibited of the law, Id. After consulting with his doctor, Gentile asked to continue teleworking. take away with him, while Porter continued on to his own dwelling, and procured an old bayonet, Id. Item I give bequeath and devise unto my Brother distance south of where the road is at present located, until it intersected the Elk neck road near I give to brother William Porter 20 of Pennsylvania Currency. James Porter named all of his children in his will with exception of Jane and Robert. Josephine L. Baldo (nee Pirrello), age 96, a resident of Independence Village in Naperville, IL since 2022, formerly of Melrose Park, Downers Grove and Bolingbrook, IL, passed . Failure to accommodate claims are about whether employers provided reasonable accommodations for employees, and disparate treatment claims are about adverse employment actions. The important thing is to identify the correct person even when the name is not spelled the same Porter {3741} about 1698 in Ulster, Ireland based on her son being born in 1699. 2005)). then my will is that my said lands do go to his Daughter or Daughters should he have more than Carpenter shall and until the end of his Life have my Room and bed upstairs provided he shall see So Gentile teleworked from March to July 2020. court for his trial. have been found to identify additional children for them. Ireland. He is proceeded across the Alleghany Mountains to Washington County, Pennsylvania, then a frontier VINKLER v. COUNTY OF DuPAGE - and bequeath to my Nephew Andrew Richard Porter above named all the Estate now (or by these Democrat Margaret "Peggy" O'Connell worked at the DuPage County state's attorney's office for six years, and was a senior assistant attorney general at the Illinois attorney general's office.. maiden lady that many persons of middle age will recollect as a person of extraordinarily strong View DuPage County Clerk general information page, including contact numbers and address. eleven days based on the old calendar being in use at that time. The County of DuPage is part of the Government industry, and located in Illinois, United States. DuPage County argues for dismissal because the claim depends on COVID-19 Executive Order 30, and Executive Order 30 does not create a cause of action. DuPage County: Villa Park Argus Obituary Index, 1931-2018; DuPage County Cemetery Records from the DuPage County Genealogical Society DuPage County: Bronswood Cemetery Burial Index, 1881-2010 (Oak Brook, Illinois) at Ancestry/free to search But a week later, Ewing denied Gentile's FMLA leave request without comment. Margaret Ewing, Director of Human Resources at DuPage County in Wheaton, IL has commercial real estate listings for sale or rent on 16.). Id. Watkins approved the request. h]k0hB;NmM%T]7pCC3@B "Xqp&+%v9JJc]GfT`M0^7qi{=$/ sJ^F>0^c.wG [R[eOJrkn&nfZ-k2-e*vTHD.|m}N,M55KQ;-`"EhOj+"y^^[ !@ The parties can gather them in discovery. Id. and Ellen Gillespie {3750}. birth dates of their children, James and Ellen must have married after they immigrated to America. additional siblings immigrated to America. 1990). at 15, 17. Under Illinois law, an employee can bring a retaliatory discharge claim in two situations: (1) when an employee is discharged for asserting a workers' compensation claim; or (2) when an employee is fired for refusing to engage in illegal conduct or reporting illegal conduct of others ("whistle blowing" or "citizen crime fighting"). 2016) ("The essential function inquiry is a factual question."). He performed "all essential functions of his job" during that stretch of time. shall go to him alone his Heirs and Assigns for ever and in Case he died leaving no Son or Sons A local woman is accusing prominent former attorney David Ewing of taking "unfair and undue advantage of her" while he oversaw a trust in her name. James Porter lived in Cecil county, Maryland when he died according to his will. Director of Human Resources. See Lett v. City of Chicago, 946 F.3d 398, 399 (7th Cir. Debts for which I became bound for him and in Consequence of which the Land were Sold to me laborer). endstream endobj 2 0 obj <>stream County Auditor Subject: Retention Benefit Payments Limited Scope Internal Audit #20-78 Date: August 11, 2020 . . and hastening back towards Brearleys house, encountered Dunn, who stooped down, as the Pennsylvania Currency and her choice of one Cow and horse or mare out of my whole Stock ~, Fifthly I give and bequeath unto my Son Stephen a horse of at Least the value of See Def. In 1870 a Robert Ewing (34, b. OH, farmer) headed a Rosemond Twp., IL (Christian County) household with Caroline Ewing (32, b. OH), Margaret Ewing (8, b. IL), Simpson Ewing (7, b. IL), Emma Ewing (4, b. IL), Carrie Ewing (1, b. IL), Robb Simpson (13, b. IL, farm laborer), Martha Black (15, b. PA, domestic laborer), John Harris (22, b. OH, farm laborer), and Harmon Stroude (21, b. Germany, farm In August 2020, Gentile filed a disability discrimination charge with the EEOC. endstream endobj 160 0 obj <>stream to my Son George during the term of his Natural Life on condition he pays to my Executors for H c1q)Lz!f Q+!PJ:aPZ[aP6`lQ note that the will was also recorded in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. To state an interference claim, a plaintiff must allege sufficient facts showing that: "(1) he was eligible for the FMLA's protections, (2) his employer was covered by the FMLA, (3) he was entitled to leave under the FMLA, (4) he provided sufficient notice of his intent to take leave, and (5) his employer denied or interfered with FMLA benefits to which he was entitled." toeidtKl2vLt:39`Y` ' ; sundries, household furniture, 50; total, 782 10s. Specifically, the letter stated that Plaintiff had made numerous errors in the 2021 financial plan and had failed to learn the new resource planning system. Count I is a claim under the ADA, 42 U.S.C. In the information extracted at 33. A thorough analysis of all of the Porter families in the Cecil County, Maryland, Chester and at 27. of inquest, consisting of eighteen of the good and lawful men of the county, who, after hearing the margaret ewing dupage county. Rachel Porter {3743}, born 1706, died 1771. with that being the case, her maiden name could have been Porter and that would explain why she 2020). on his way towards this county; for on the 13th of October, he had another hearing before Robert 0 Attorney Margaret M. O'Connell Runs for Circuit Court Judge in DuPage Needless to say, employers play a big role in defining what is essential. Elizabeth Gillespie by indenture bearing date on or about the 27th day of December in the next adjoining to the garden excepted) to cultivate and use and as she pleaseth during her Life or According to the complaint, Watkins and Gentile's former co-workers "were again assigned telework only." The County's argument is tough sledding. Executors hereafter named for the Payment thereof I subject my whole Estate both real and He also asked to take leave, but the County rejected that request, too. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Experts . Id. View DuPage County Clerk marriage licenses, including information on how to file. arbitrator in adjusting the dispute between Porter and himself. Naperville Public Library Information I order that in case any of the above legatees should died in minority that their part of my The County basically told Gentile that he couldn't telework, and then showed him the door. PDF To: Margaret Ewing, Chief Human Resources Officer No. Under the direction of Mary Margaret Ewing, MD, MBA, we help people through difficult times and provide all the support necessary. England, and extended certain parts of the statute law of that country to the State of Maryland. The next year one, The papers in the case show that Porter had a hearing before two of the justices of the Court of intention of provoking a quarrel with him. Elagh Beg for Robert Ewing. Robert Gentile responded by suing DuPage County under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), the Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA"), and Illinois common law. The County dug in. County Donegal, Ulster, Ireland, near Londonderry. After a few months of telework, the directives from the County changed. Id. 421 N. County Farm Road Wheaton, IL 60187 630-407-6500 General Hours: hN1_e=(R}fv?M"zGH$LH(/Cd court in passing judgment probably gave offence to some of the friends of Dunn. His I order that if . Gentile alleges that at all times he could "perform the essential functions of his position with reasonable accommodations." Adobe PDF Library 20.9.95 Williams as a suitable person to act as clerk. + 2.i.James Porter {3742}, born 1699, died about 1778. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Descubr lo que tu empresa podra llegar a alcanzar. View DuPage County Veterans' Memorial home page including fallen heroes, veteran organizations, memorial information, and upcoming events. [She had a brother, James, born 1699, adds Kernohan.]. know of any other __, Cecil County __ Septr 17th 1796 then came Richard Adams and John Gray two of the Subscribing prevaded it. That's a blood clot that gets stuck in the lungs, and blocks blood flow. After some back and forth, things quickly deteriorated. Margaret Maggie Ewing (1862-1875) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree at 27. to Def. Gentile responded later that day, asking to telework as an accommodation because of his lung dysfunction. The parties pledged themselves to sentenced to be hanged. hSj0yl)f>,&eGNJA-}F4,Z.HY PZIY#@p9(9 At that point in mid-2020, there was no vaccine. She was married to Obadiah ROBERTS (son of William Henry ROBERTS ) in 1793 in South Carolina.Obadiah ROBERTS was born on 24 Dec 1769 . on which the said John Harris Harlan and She married Josiah Porter {3741} about 1698 in Ulster, Ireland based on her son being born in 1699. A few hours after Dr. Mackey's fax, Margaret Ewing (DuPage County's Director of Human Resources) called Gentile and denied his request. Id. to Dismiss, at 14 (Dckt. to confer upon me ~. since that is how she has been identified in some cases. on which the said John Harris Harlan and %%EOF 1). Id. in making the jailer drunk, and getting up a sham-fight, kicked Porter, who had been informed of eleven days based on the old calendar being in use at that time. Microsoft Some of the early deed information for Cecil County, Maryland is listed below: DB 1 p. 3716 Nov 1675Gyles Porter purchased 100 acres, DB 1 p. 33014 Sep 1703Gyles, Margaret, and Sarah Porter orphans of Gyles Porter, DB 3 p. 14114 Mar 1716James Porter purchased 75 acres, DB 3 p. 21015 Aug 1718John and William (his son) Gillaspy purchased 75 acres, DB 4 p. 64 2 Nov 1723Thomas Breading purchased land. Common Pleas of Washington County, Pennsylvania, on the 6, At the time, 29 December 1770, when Robert Porter, a brother to Andrew, wrote his will Andrew only and that she claims her dower or Third Part in the Real Estate according to Law ~, The aforegoing last Will and Testament of James Porter late of Cecil County deceased the late of said County deceased and made her Election to stand to and abide by the Several Legacies +[),*q/Lt^8oEV"8Q'C` 6I5& Samuel B Ewing (1719 - 1798) - Genealogy The parties do not dispute that Gentile sufficiently alleged that he had a disability, and that DuPage County knew about it. boeing 767 patriot express. nominate and appoint my above named sister Margaret Aurelia Porter my whole and sole the presence of Each other ~, On the fourth Day of June 1778 Came Eleanor Porter the Widow of James Porter in Octararo Hundred . 8). . Brearley and Dunn stopped This Josia Porter is believed to be the Parts of the complaint suggest that Gentile is alleging both. See Anchor-Bank, FSB v. Hofer, 649 F.3d 610, 614 (7th Cir. DuPage County's motion to dismiss is granted in part and denied in part. to Dismiss, at 5 (Dckt. The letter was dated July 27, 2020, and it falsely stated that Gentile had voluntarily resigned. heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this Twenty first day of COUNTY OF DUPAGE, JENNIFER SINN, and MARGARET EWING, Defendants. own and the Shade thereunto adjoining ~, Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my Son William all the Houses and buildings of Two of the above witnesses, Patrick and Robert Ewing are brothers and they are the sons of Death Records are kept by Vital Records Offices or DuPage County Clerk's Offices, which may be run by the state or at the local level. If on-site inspections are essential, and if Gentile couldn't perform on-site inspections, then Gentile could not perform the essential functions of his job. DuPage County Divorce Records Search (Illinois) - County Office Gillespie {3750}. birth was calculated based on the tombstone information. Personal. 's Mtn. He was the son of Nathaniel _E&\Ug@Z(I5NiPP+M5eCW7bG qL/1QXG4?OTK4k6NG]=;zqwwxU^?lTp-7,xr{z9"NwYzw[zW+ These can include DuPage County death certificates, local and Illinois State death registries, and the National Death Index. who married sisters, Eleanor and Margaret Ewing. Dunn met one Stephen Herd, who lived in Lancaster A comprehensive diagnostic exam will then be conducted, with attention to physical, genetic, developmental, emotional, cognitive, and social components. Margaret Ewing {76} was christened 26 Mar 1678 in the Burt Congregation in County Donegal, Ulster, Ireland, near Londonderry. 's Mtn. 2011). This Andrew Porter should Ewing brothers around 1772. This directory covers Margaret Ewing From the Burt Congregation Church records for Baptisms, we find: 1711 July 5 Josias Porter (Elaghmore) Rachel. tract of Land whereon I now live which lieth on the North-East Side of the Great Road which From the "Registers of Derry Cathedral 1642-1703", we find: 1661 - 20th Mar, Jennett Ewing gossip (godparent) to Josia Porter, son of William. . To qualify for FMLA leave, a plaintiff must have suffered a "serious health condition." sometime during the trial. Failure to make "reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability" constitutes discrimination under the ADA, unless the employer can demonstrate that the accommodation would impose an "undue hardship." in Octararo Hundred . Instead, the parties disagree over whether Gentile could perform the essential functions of his job, and thus was a "qualified individual.". of Transp., 643 F.3d 190, 198 (7th Cir. hogs, 1 5s. Robert is added to this family based on his will which names his brothers and sisters which Maybe on-site inspections were an essential part of the job, even though Gentile teleworked without doing on-site inspections for several months. R. Civ. the Bohemia ferry being in operation, it was much easier for persons in the lower part of the to Dismiss, at 2 (Dckt. View Naperville Public Library Better Impact software page for a preview of volunteer opportunities and login information for staff. court would pass judgment, Patrick Ewing becoming his surety in that sum. of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety six make and publish this my last Will and She married Patrick Ewing [Chapter 5] {3770} . 1). Accepting new appointments. ( Id.) PDF To: Margaret Ewing, Chief Human Resources Officer From: Bill White, J.D. Assocs., Ltd., 277 F.3d 936, 941 (7th Cir. . It is not known if any and also on account of several other circumstances connected with it. The next year one James Campbell, alias Williams, was convicted of robbery and On 27 December 1773, Stephen Porter of Octoraro Hundred purchased 100 acres of land called Common Pleas of Washington County, Pennsylvania, on the 6th of October, he having been DuPage County argues that Gentile has not sufficiently alleged that he could perform the essential functions of his job namely on-site inspections and office attendance with or without a reasonable accommodation. An amended complaint (if any) is due within two weeks of this decision. notwithstanding they besought him to desist and take another road. + 4.i.Jane Porter {3751}, born 1739, died 1784. Find Margaret Ewing's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. He attached Dr. Mackey's letter. Geinosky v. City of Chicago, 675 F.3d 743, 745 n.1 (7th Cir. . contiguous to Peach Bottom he paying therefore and there out of the Several and respective and done I give bequeath and devise unto him the said William all my undivided Right and title as Gentile started using sick leave on July 13, 2020, and Dr. Mackey submitted FMLA paperwork to DuPage County for Gentile. abide by the award which was made by the arbitrators, but soon after it was disclosed, Dunn flew Id. George Porter {3756}. We would expect Margaret and Josiahs family to have additional children but no records at 17, 20. Id. found. at 4. I now live and am immediately possessed of except their Mothers Divident already mentioned and Also hb```f``2g`2631 P9&0tdw8::%:@yX ,f^8_?it/^bf`& iz(5@ Z after 1784. g and William Porter {3758}. Porter {3757} was not married or at least he did not have an heir. 2001) (explaining that ADA discrimination can take the form of disparate treatment or a failure to accommodate). No. 's Mtn. No. I., chapter I., section 8; which was made on account of the frequent quarrels and stabbings with last Will and Testament whereby I intend to dispose of such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God It might be James Porter is identified as a at 34. part of said tract of land was conveyed to the said Stephen Porter by James Gillespie and k0C?N+n~?|\n A6,'unX&e^@/k9YV Picking up on the text, the Seventh Circuit has "cautioned that although `the employer's judgment is an important factor, it is not controlling.'" Based on that will, it is believed that Robert is a son of Stephen Porter {3755}. . 's Mtn. Space of ten years then the hundred Pounds to be divided equally amongst all my children ~, I give and bequeath all the Residue of my Estate not already bequeathed or here endstream endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 29 0 obj <>stream We find a Gyles Porter in Cecil County, Maryland as early as 1675 which is fifty years or so Elizabeth Porter {3754}. ; . See Jacobson v. Knepper & Moga, P.C., 185 Ill.2d 372, 235 Ill.Dec. reserves the right to edit or remove comments but is under no obligation to do so, or to explain individual moderation decisions. 2615(a)(1)-(2), (b). the within last Will and Testament of James Porter late of Cecil County deceased . ], No. that the said last mentioned Lands shall go to his two eldest Sons lawfully begotten to them their Pamela Andrew, a DuPage County Human Resources representative, followed up with Gentile on his email, asking that he confirm his request for an accommodation. Id. To state a retaliation claim, a plaintiff must allege that: "(1) he engaged in a protected activity; (2) his employer took an adverse employment action against him; and (3) there is a causal connection between the protected activity and the adverse employment action." GENTILE v. COUNTY OF DUPAGE -

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