Patricia loved the picturesbut for me the sing along organ player at Capitol Winchmor ill.. why did we did disagree occasion like.ladies may comment, no rush. I lived in Madeira Road. Sad as I am, I have just had a look on Google maps and as of August 2014, there was still a Doms offering Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner no mention of ice cream though! For Palmers Green to have a department store, two cinemas and no betting shops or nail bars? If notat last space for my clockwerk trainset (O guageTrix or Bing(not Hornby? Before marrying my first wife I too lived in Muswell Hill then Palmerston Road before buying a flat in Woodberry Avenue. I remember the shop well.think it was called Cullens. Hi David, yes, I remember Keiths Cars being there for many years &, as Richard S says, it is now a tyre dealer and I remember Pitmans just opp. Until it closed. you may remember I also had a retail shop in Muswell hill, = 253 Muswell hiil broadway. I remember one of my friends falling into the river off the bridge and clambering out the other side after swimming under the bridge in the river current. Any idea of what it was called? I lived in Windsor Road from 1965 to 1970 and I remember a sweet shop called The Windsor we always called it the red shop as the front was painted red. Thanks for the info. Can someone confirm the existence of a Tesco store in Palmers Green at this time? Will email direct Holborn). Reg I remember you from St Michaels at Bowes, I recall you had a interest in meteorology, and went on to Arnos School ans I went to Winchmore Hill Secondary. Hi David The Prisoners were building the estate up to Ash Grove. The Sales Department was at 44-46 Aldermans Hill and Service was at 234 Green Lanes. Also there was an old style Sainsburys Bricks mens shop, No Job Centres in those days. I remember we got a TV from Stanwood Radio and remember the tiny shop on alderman shill that had wood showing decay in the window. Helen. But I was answering Jenny Hs comment about the site at the top of Hedge Lane which was a car dealership etc & is now a very good Turkish Deli, which she thought had been a bomb site. I used to go to the Devonshire Cafe for dinner, not everyday but quite a few times, we would take the dinner back to the station, then return the empty plates all washed. I dont recall the cart. As a schoolboy I attended Southgate County Grammar School in Fox Lane from 1948-53, and remember admiring new Jaguar cars in the Saul and Slatter showroom in Aldermans Hill. . Memories Of Palmers Green & Winchmore Hill - a nostalgic memory of Palmers Green Memories Of Palmers Green & Winchmore Hill In the mid 50s we lived in St Georges Road Palmers Green my brothers and I went to St Georges Presbyrtarian Church for Sunday school and Hazelwood Lane Primary School. It is now a tyre suppliers and fitters. I have lots of childhood memories about Palmers Green Railway Station. xx, Hi As I hadnt had any response to my original comment I was beginning to think I had imagined him. I think it then became Volvo (Triangle Motors) followed by a high end mens outfitters selling suits, shoes etc. Hi Jenny, I took a photo of these homes about this time (1966) before the fire for a school photo project on old buildings I believe they were called Skinners Alms Houses. To Gerry Hicks- yes I remember you, you had a wife called Rose and a daughter called Carol? Palmers Green Cremation - In Memory Of Life Funerals I also went to Bowes Road School but only from 1952 to 1953 in the infants. Richard Franklin. I remember the Bamboo I used to go there a lot. 70s. Regards David. Im impressed. Hi Dave, I do remember you and your dads photography business. julia, I remember Victor Value, we used the shop sometimes. Happy memories of Greenwood Gate Tennis Club in the Rec too, circa 1959 1963. The shop later became Tesco. They could be dropped down to serve the goods. 1st. In 1961 the company was acquired by Car Mart Sales Ltd, but retained its name. Research prior to the following two 1974 experiments suggested that people are quite inaccurate when asked to report numerical details regarding events. After the last chip was scoffed the owner would place in front of us a huge strawberry milkshake made with the soft ice cream they were known for, this shake was always served in a heavy fancy thick glass with a straw to slurp up the last visible clinging bubbles. In my form 5 of us went on to become much for the 11+ . Anyone remember him? Please help! There was and old git who served behind the sweet counter. Do you remember the Toy shop opposite too? The archive can be found at Bruno would leave the bar at 9.30pm each night, snooker cue in hand and walk to the Cock Tavern for several beers & a few games of snooker. Trusted memories of the museum - Palmers Green Jewel in the North John. Annyway she sees the ambience of Palmers Greenery so later Dad as to buy a property to satisfy er haspirations Palmer Green wise N14annyway my Palmers Green is Jewell in Crown (I am salutin you er Majesty) no rushkeep crackin on, eh? Bombs dropped in Palmers Green - Bomb Sight Responding to the notes on Barrowell Green Swimming pool, I was born in Southgate and lived at 6 Tintern Gardens from 1936 56, and attended Southgate County Grammar School. I still hanker for an ice cream like Doms scraped onto a cornet with a spatula not scooped! Hi Raymond Amazing to find others to share memories with from those times. I think it was called Harvey Sports (a friend of mine had a Saturday job there) & next door was a fabric shop called Metres which sold everything from net curtains to dress fabrics and upholstery materials, The couple who ran it were very kind & patient working our how much material you needed for your windows etc. It is open on Sunday afternoons from 2.00 to 4.30pm Model Boating Pond The Model Boating Pond was dug in 1903, shortly after the opening of the Park. Annyway after ostilities e also gigged (very fashionable nowadays, eh?) I can say that Victor enjoyed every minute of every day. weve already ad enough laughs for the day over your conviction that The Sahara Desert is in the middle of Australia. In fact on A10 between Lister Gardens and Ostliffe Rd, there is still a gap in the terrace where 2 houses were hit during the war. My family name was Church but we have moved away now. What a great guy he was. Not prescribed by my doctor Seifert of Hedge Lane fame. Hi Mitchell thank you for fillinin some potoles,, For the coronation, we all went to the Ritz not on the day itself to see it on the big screen. Sylvia. So back ome goin West? Socks, vests, liberty bodices(!) By the way, the founder of the H&C chain of grocers made a lot of money and had built for him the last castle to be built in England; Castle Drago in Devon now a National Trust Property. Seekin relatives of a gentleman printer named Richard Wall who lived at No.8 The Promenade N13 opin to return some property I found, I come across this Jewel and your writinsare you related to Joe Hart for whose band my Dad used to play the saxophoneusually Friday evenins for 32/6? I was Yvonne Farmer and our form teacher was Mrs Phair. Ma used to send me there up Hedge Lane in the school olidays with a shillin for my lunch (includin tip)I remembers the custard. Sylvia Gambin. I lived in New River Crescent 1950, 60s and 70s. 'The Palmers Greenery' will serve locally-sourced, fresh, healthy and affordable drinks and snacks, and will be staffed by volunteers from the community. Perhaps he moved out of the area or maybe passed away and the family sold it but thats only a guess. As previous I lived in the Larches from 1938 at no 64. Conway park and blagdens lane were my playground when the old rubbish dump was behind the stables a goldmine of wartime and Victorian memorabilia. Memories: You can, and others, can share memories at the bottom of the page including photos and stories; Donations: . It is the oldest remaining pub in Palmers Green to have continuously stood on the . (opposite Courts Furnitures?) Lovely doctor. Annyway back to Patricia (and her Ma), they worshipped Grouts and in my stores upstairs I ave loads oGrouts stuff and the 60s lectric Singer sewing machine kept ready an oiled like for my grandaughter (6) and er new baby sister comin October. Mum was Pool Attendant at Barrowell Green but we still had to join those long queues to get long a waitso full had to wait as Mrs. Barry only allowed the extras in as people left. My grandmother moved to Halifax in 1919 and remarried. Hi Sylvia, in the P.Green archives somewhere there is a report that on the night of March 15th 1941 the Princes Dance Hall (corner of Princes Ave) was packed with young couples. Can anyone help?my partner is looking for his father.his fathers name is trevor george burgess and the only info we have is trevors mother lived on princes ave palmers green.if anybody knows of the above person and can help my partner find his dad please contact me on 07986272734.thankyou for reading x. I was born in Southgate in October 1936 and lived with my parents at 6 Tintern Gardens until September 1956, when they moved to Willingdon, Eastbourne. Nostalgic memories of Palmers Green's local history - Francis Frith The lived AT 56, Lightcliffe Road and granddad worked at a city bank. (When I was a boy is banned in daylight hours this family). !.thank you for jogging my memory. Collecting shrapnel since 1939 in Leytonstone gutters and still collecting turning over neolithic shards in Cornish fieldsmy motto: Its Fun Finding Out (Chapman Pincher and Bernard Wicksteed, 1947) shaped my career. When were all the doctors, dentists, solicitors along Green Lanes private residences? Hello Raymond, Your memories of Palmers Green are a real Gold Mine. Laura. She would sit regally on the little wooden chairs by the counter. We lived in Osborne Road (1955 ) but then moved to Old Park Road just over 10 years later where we stayed until the late 70s. Its a hazy memory but I do remember buying a basket for my school books (they were the in thing then) It was a glorious place to live as a child. She retired when I was there and replaced my Mrs Gibbs trendy and Beatles fan. As she asked for opera top petticoats and long legged knickers the woman behind the counter would operate the very cleaver drawers lining the walls holding the goods. When a change of scenery was called for, it was all off to the Amelia coffee bar in Oakwood. Great memories, we lived in Winchmore Hill, in the 60s, 70s and 80s these comments bring back so many memories. He said the new housing development that is now Myrtle Road just off The Fairway (where I was born),was built on the site of a Nursery. 348 Green Lanes, Palmers Green, N13 5TJ. Haveyou and your family lived or worked inthe Palmers Green area for donkeys years? In 1876 Palmers Green was described as "a little gathering of houses on the road to Enfield", despite the opening of a new railway line from Wood Green to Palmers Green, Winchmore Hill and Enfield in 1871. . roses) at certain times of the year and was very beautiful. very posh! I used to have a paper round in the paper shop top of hedge lane and green lanes in 1963 I got fifteen Bob a week Mr pogson was the proprietor does any body remember him. I used to by comics from him in the 60s. Also in Aldermans Hill was a butcher called Drakes and the Gas Company with the Electricity Co round near the current McDonalds in Lodge Drive. St. Clements Press. Once purchased the items would be carefully wrapped in brown paper and tied with string before the exciting moment (for me anyway) of paying. Annyway she, (my Ma) also directed me to buy my first suit from them (powder blue with just a touch o pink pin stripes) for my first day to work in 1950. Remembered the lift in Evans & Davies, Grouts, Courts, Bishops (supermarket), Stephen Gracey estate agents, A Legg & Sons hardware (now Occasional Half pub), Bakers Oven, Tesco (supermarket and a smal local one between Kelvin and Melbourne Aves). Palmers Green, Enfield A poor man's Muswell Hill, as architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner called it, consisting of an Edwardian core surrounded by interwar estates on the borders of Southgate, Winchmore Hill and Bowes Park. plate MAX 2 and Stephen Graces. The front half was a sweet shop and there was hair all over the floor, The old buzzard who cut the hair used to ask for a tip. Michael do you remember Mr Forkin at St. Michaels school Tottenhall Rd.arranging a boxing ring with proper gloves in the playground afternoon break with you & Everett Houghton as contenders? Across Hedge Lane, does anyone remember the wartime pill boxes which stood close to where the trolleybuses made their turn-round at journeys end. When the V1 flying bomb attacks on London began in the summer of. Many years ago. Footnote: Dad an is fellow freelances performed under aliasis to avoid problems with HMCRC.why else am I cultivatin a full Santa Claus beard5 months to go! Worked at Burtons in palmers green for most of the. Anniversary Edition. He even used to ask children for a tip! I was given an anointing spoon to commemmorate the big day. When I was in the juniors my friend and I used to like nothing more than to lay down on the railway bridge near the Church at the top of Hedge Lane and let the smoke of the trains roll over us. That would have been where visitors could wave to their loved ones in the hospital. He said there was money all over the place and as far as he could see it was all being collected up to be given back, The other corner was also hit and certainly Keith`s cars set up business there and eventually on both sides of Sidney Avenue, becoming a flourishing business. I cannot recall any other bombs round that area. Probably some of my first photographs were taken there.
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